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==DAQ Hardware==
=='''DAQ Hardware'''==
* Electronic Map of Mott Crates (January 29, 2013):
* Electronic Map of Mott Crates (May 06, 2014):
* Cabling of FADC, Scalers, and TDC (January 29, 2013):  
* Cabling of FADC, Scalers, and TDC (February 12, 2014):  
* DAQ Timing (January 29, 2013):  
* DAQ Timing (February 12, 2014):  
= How to run CODA =
* Discriminator threshold adjustments (18January2015):
CODA crl files are in: idaq@opsmdaq0: /opt/idaq/crl
CODA scripts files are in: idaq@opsmdaq0: /opt/idaq/scripts
* From an accelerator machine: '''ssh -X idaq@opsmdaq0'''
Note: '''idaq''' is the injector DAQ account and uses ssh authorized_keys for login - no need to enter password and open few '''xterm &''' windows.
  xterm 1: telnet iocmdaq1
  xterm 2: msqld (the CODA msqld database is usually running unless opsmdaq0 was rebooted)
=='''DAQ Software'''==
  xterm 3: platform
* '''[[How to run CODA]]'''
  xterm 4: codamaster
* '''[[Online Monitoring]]'''
Choose the configuration: '''Mott_Sample'''
* '''[[Mott Analysis]]'''
When the CODA MASTER panel appears, select '''Config''' => '''Enable Buttons'''.
* '''[[CODA Summary]]'''
Select '''ET System''', '''Event Builder''', '''Event Recorder''' and '''Run Control'''.
* '''[[CODA Scripts]]'''
After doing that if you will click on '''Get Status''' you will find status of ''' ER1''', '''EB1''' and '''ROC1'''. All buttons must be green.
Select '''Run Control''' and the main CODA panel will appear.
== Start and Stop a Run ==
From Run Control panel, select in the following order:
=='''Manuals and References'''==
# '''Sessions''' => '''inj'''
* Jefferson Lab Data Acquisition Group CODA Wiki [https://coda.jlab.org/drupal/]
# '''Configurations''' => '''Cool''' => '''Mott_Sample'''
# '''Platform''' => '''Connect'''
# '''Configure'''
# '''Download'''
# '''Prestart'''
# '''Start'''
At the end:
* CAEN VME Crate Manual - VME8200 9U 21Slot (VME64x backplane with no P0 connector) [[media:VME8200_Manual.pdf]]
<ol start="8">
and if you want to apply a change or you need a new configuration:
<ol start="9">
and start from number 5.
== Mott DAQ iocmdaq1 ==
* There are two ways to access the Mott DAQ ioc:
# From an accelerator machine: '''telnet iocmdaq1'''
# From an accelerator machine: '''ioc_concole iocmdaq1'''. Here you need to enter a password to this cannot be done with the idaq account.
The startup file is: idaq@opsmdaq0:/cs/op/iocs/iocmdaq1/startup
=='''To-do List'''==
  The CODA boot file: idaq@opsmdaq0:/opt/coda/boot/mott_roc1.boot
  * Analysis List:
# Add delayed helicity analysis for Mott_Sample and Mott_SemiInt Modes. Delayed analysis is already included for Scalers and PEPPo_Int Modes.
# Modify decoder for the updated Mott_SemiInt mode. Started: /work/idaq/Mott/Analysis/1, Runs: 7642, 7672. Sample: 7673
# Update MottOnline
# Replace "PEPPo" with "Mott" in scripts, decoder, ... .
= Online Monitoring =
== Scalers: '''xscaler''' ==
* '''[[New Delayed Helicity Readout Scheme for Physics Events Trigger]]'''
"xscaler" is a graphical display of the scalers from the Mott DAQ. 
Login to opsmdaq0 as the "idaq" user (ssh idaq@opsmdaq0). To run xscaler you must be in the correct directory.
* Things to do to speed up the DAQ and reduce deadtime:
Go to /opt/idaq/xscaler and type ./xscaler there and do not forget the dot (.) and slash (/)
# Use the new SemiIntFast Mode:
## Upgrade the time-of-flight readout to the FADC TDC mode
## Upgrade the scalers readout to the FADC Scaler mode
## Add Block Readout
# Reduce the Mott Trigger rate by rejecting low energy electrons or dump events:
## Increase E-detector discriminator thresholds
## Veto dump events using beam timing signal
* Max's list of random things
== Dead Time: '''datamon''' ==
# need to get the signal propagation vs. electron TOF delay for the helicity decoder correct
There is a display to monitor the DAQ dead time. To run it use the idaq user on opsmdaq0. Type: '''datamon'''
== Scaler Data written to EPICS ==
The scaler data which appears in xscaler (see above for xscaler) is also written to EPICS.
The data are rates in Hz.
The EPICS channels are of the form "Inj_ScalerN_ChM" where N = 1,2,3 and M = 1,2,3,4,...32.
See xscaler for channels assignments. Also listed here:
* [[Mott EPICS Scalers Channels Assignments]]
To retrieve data from EPICS you can, for example, do this:
'''caget Inj_Scaler1_Ch24'''
Inj_Scaler1_Ch24              484195
The number here means 484195 Hz.
== Online Histogram Display ==
Log on opsmdaq0 using idaq user and from the idaq home directory and type: '''peppoOnline'''.
Two windows open, the smaller one have buttons to control the plot to see, the biggest one shows the plot to monitor.
* [[Mott Analysis]]
== Analyze a run ==
/work/idaq/Analysis/decoder/'''decode.pl''' RunNumber
== Macros for the Analysis ==
There are several macros to be used for the analysis. All are in opsmdaq0 in the directory:
== Issues and FAQ ==
* RunNumber: if the in the msql is different from the one in cool database, coda doesn't work. To solve it open dbedit => localhost => sessions and change the RunNumber

Revision as of 16:39, 14 November 2024

DAQ Hardware

  • Electronic Map of Mott Crates (May 06, 2014):



  • Cabling of FADC, Scalers, and TDC (February 12, 2014):



  • DAQ Timing (February 12, 2014):



  • Discriminator threshold adjustments (18January2015):



DAQ Software

Manuals and References

  • Jefferson Lab Data Acquisition Group CODA Wiki [1]

To-do List

* Analysis List:
  1. Add delayed helicity analysis for Mott_Sample and Mott_SemiInt Modes. Delayed analysis is already included for Scalers and PEPPo_Int Modes.
  2. Modify decoder for the updated Mott_SemiInt mode. Started: /work/idaq/Mott/Analysis/1, Runs: 7642, 7672. Sample: 7673
  3. Update MottOnline
  4. Replace "PEPPo" with "Mott" in scripts, decoder, ... .

* New Delayed Helicity Readout Scheme for Physics Events Trigger

* Things to do to speed up the DAQ and reduce deadtime:
  1. Use the new SemiIntFast Mode:
    1. Upgrade the time-of-flight readout to the FADC TDC mode
    2. Upgrade the scalers readout to the FADC Scaler mode
    3. Add Block Readout
  2. Reduce the Mott Trigger rate by rejecting low energy electrons or dump events:
    1. Increase E-detector discriminator thresholds
    2. Veto dump events using beam timing signal
* Max's list of random things
  1. need to get the signal propagation vs. electron TOF delay for the helicity decoder correct