Bubble Demo ME April 18, 2014
April 18, 2014
Shaun, Danny, Riad, Joe reviewed goals of the Demo and Final experiment installations.
Action Items:
- complete DL design
- complete Demo layout for next meeting
- investigate who should lead DL purchase
- collimator dimensions
- who will fabricate collimator (JLAB or ANL)
- aluminum dump dimensions
- estimate of lead shielding (Demo and Final)
What are ceramic break dimensions?
We have ceramic breaks in EEL-118. Here are two options: a "long" one which is 4-1/4" overall length and a "short" one which is 2-9/16" overall length. Both have 2-3/4" end flanges; one is rotatable and one is not.
What are the PEPPo Faraday cup dimensions?
The assembly is stored in EEL-117 shown in the photo below. The 6-way cross includes both 4-1/2" and 4-5/8" flanges. Details of the assembly are shown in the assembly drawing below. The faraday cup assembly, viewer assembly, optical port to see view screen as installed and the thin beam exit Al window remained attached since the experiment and should be "vacuum ready". The ports for beam entrance and ion pump were the only vacuum disconnects made thus far and are blanked off.
- All of the PEPPo JLAB drawings can be found at: M:\group\positron\peppo\drawings\jlab_drawings\
- Media:DrawingNo.ACC2005000-0030RevisionASheetNo.1-FARADAY CUP ASSEMBLY.pdf
What are the fast valve dimensions?
The REQ for the fast valve hardware and controls is 342235. This req calls out to use an ionization cold cathode gauge p/n: 770SH-99NN-0001. I didn't have much success Google-ing that part, but instead downloaded the VAT Incorporated Vacuum Valves 2016 manual which includes their Fast Valve "77" system. Although not called out explicitly the p/n referred to above corresponds to their "HV" or "High Vacuum" sensor. A screen grab of the sensor and the dimensions is shown here. All that will be needed is a 2-3/4" port; nothing protrudes into vacuum space.