Revision as of 08:37, 31 March 2022 by Chgarcia (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* 03/30/2021 Simulation of the anode tube for 6 and 12-slots Media: R30-3_SLOTS.pptx * 03/02/2021 Simulation of the anode hinge. Shaun's latest model, FINER MESH Media:...")
- 03/30/2021 Simulation of the anode tube for 6 and 12-slots Media: R30-3_SLOTS.pptx
- 03/02/2021 Simulation of the anode hinge. Shaun's latest model, FINER MESH Media: R30-3_Shauns_hinged_anode_FINER_MESH.pptx
- 02/23/2021 Simulation of the anode hinge. Shaun's latest model Media: R30-3_Shauns_hinged_anode.pptx
- 11/15/2021 Simulation of the NEG screen. Shaun's wire Mesh Media: 18_in_CEBAF_gun_Hinged_anode_V2_with_shift_comparison.pptx
- 11/15/2021 Simulation of the NEG screen. Shaun's wire Mesh Media: 18_in_CEBAF_gun_Mesh_screen.pptx
- 11/02/2021 Simulation of the NEG screen. Missing front view cross-sections Media: 18_in_CEBAF_gun_Gabs_screen_FRONT_VIEWS.pptx
- 10/20/2021 Simulation of the NEG screen for 18" CEBAF "a la GTS" gun Media: 18_in_CEBAF_gun_Gabs_screen.pptx
- 10/13/2021 Vacuum chamber passed its pressure test Media: HV_pressure_tests_update.pptx