UITF Meeting - May 10, 2016
UITF Internal Safety Review – Personnel Safety
List of Hazards
Gun System:
- High Voltage (350 KV)
- Pressure Vessel containing SF6 ( xx PSI)
- SF6
Laser System: 1. Class xx laser at xxx nm
Vacuum Systems: 1. Pumps (Is there a need for hearing protection) 2. Beam line terminations (flanges capped off?)
Electrical and Magnets Systems 1. Ion pumps 2. Magnet terminals 3. Magnetic fields
Cryogenic fluids 1. Liquid Helium to ¼ cryomodule 2. 500 L and 1000 L liquid Helium for HD-ice 3. Nitrogen gas line
Non-ionizing Radiation 1. Warm RF (Buncher and Chopper systems) 2. High Power RF to ¼ cryomodule
Define operational modes 1. Low energy operations (restricted to Cave 1, beam current 10 mA, beam energy <350KV) 2. High energy operations (for HD-Ice, beam current , <1 μA, BCMs) 3. Maintenance, no beam
Ionizing Radiation 1. Due to beam during UITF operation 2. Residual radiation after turning off the beam
Access Controls 1. Levels of Access (Restricted/Beam Permit) 2. Sweep procedures (prior to beam operations) 3. Access control procedures post-beam operations 4. CARMs 5. BCMs (<1 microA into Cave 2)
Signage 1. ODH posting 2. HV 3. Laser 4. Magnetic fields (if higher than 5 g, about 1 ft from the magnet) 5. Beacons, if needed (May be at the gate when beam in UITF) 6. Beacons above the cave (restrict access when RF/Beam on)
Henry Robertson presentation media: Safety System Group Overview_v2.pptx
ODH summary media:draft ODH assessment.docx
DILO SF6 cart manual media:DILO manual.pdf
SF6 information media:SF6 info.pdf