March 17, 2017 - 200kV gun upgrade meeting

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Last week's action items

1. Carlos/Gabriel/Bubba - Move gun to Test Lab. Validate Matt's assertion of plug-and-play of pure alumina vs. conductive insulator, determine stack-up of flange+insulator+electrode. Close layout/geometry loop between chamber + ME drawings + Poisson. Assess stock materials for shed/electrode e.g. Nb/Nb or SS/SS. Main goal is electrode design, but give some thought to testing HV chamber before dismantling.

media:170317_Gabriel.pptx, media:170317_Gabriel.pdf

2. Phil/Joe - See if can locate two large diameter BPM cans, recall existing length of shorter tunnel NEG w/ bellows each end, sketch proposed tube w/ BPM, magnets, does it all fit?, check with Pete about two channels of electronics

Pete says super easy
Installed already: VME electronics, wiring, interconnects, downstairs cables
Already purchased, ready to install: (2) Transport RF modules, Lmr cable sets for 2 bpm cans
To do : Install, RG58 cables, update CED, update IOCINSE4, Menu and BPM screens

3. Marcy - Plan A for vacuum can/diagnostics at gun3 valve, what is useful and makes sense.

4. Joe/Scott - Identify hooks into gun switch software (controls, interlocks), propose modification to allow for gun3 removal

Met w/ Scott Higgins
Eliminate Gun3 options, w/o breaking dependencies
Scott will start building a new simplified page, summarize dependencies
Timeframe : May-June for test, ready for July

5. John/Matt/Joe - Move Spellman to Test Lab, restore comm for controls to power itself, then test w/ Ross probe, get TOSP ready for HV to Spellman, vacuum chamber, start discussion w/ software for EPICS application.

Good progress this week...
John moved two Spellman supplies to UITF (one for EPICS app, one for Gun2 HV tests)
Pam assigned Mike Johnson as the lead, Scott Higgins will involved and start training Mike on present Glassman HVPS, interfaces

6. Carlos/John/software - Deploy a radmon at UITF; use FEL control box?, purchase GM tubes, port software app, add to archiver

New action items

1. We agreed to build electrode from one piece of material SS from 6" cube.