UITF Mott CODA Summary

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OPS Network

Mott DAQ Host (Rack ITF 07, UITF Roof):

         name      =>  itfmdaq0 
         ip        =>


        name       =>  itfsbcmdaq0
        ip         => 

UITF Mott DAQ itfsbcmdaq0

XVR-16 Abaco Intel/Linux VME SBC

Up to date version of JLab Module drivers


CODA Readout lists


Configuration Files


All UITF Mott CODA configurations:

  1. Mott_Sample
  2. Mott_Int

The source is available here:


To compile, must be on itfsbcmdaq0. Use the Makefile:


or specifically

 make uitf_list.so

To access the UITF Mott DAQ VME SBC:

 idaq@itfmdaq0 > ssh itfsbcmdaq0

CODA Files

CODA readout lists:


To compile:

 make uitf_list.so

Log entry scripts


CODA 3.10_devel




CODA_SCRIPTS (for startCoda, kcoda, etc)


Summary of CODA Configurations

Name Readout Output Trigger
Mott_Sample Mott FADC and INT FADC /data/mott/Mott_Sample_%d.dat Mott Detector
Mott_SemiInt Mott FADC and INT FADC /data/mott/Mott_SemiInt_%d.dat Mott Detector
Mott_Int INT FADC /data/mott/Mott_Int_%d.dat nT_Settle

Backup Data Files to SILO

Cron scripts are installed on the idaq account on opsmdaq0 to back up data and delete it from /data and /data1:


Do not attempted to copy, delete, move, or rename files. Never !

The scripts assume that data appears in /data*/DIR where DIR = "annihilation" or "compton" or "mott" Files must have the keywords "PEPPo" or "Scalers" or at least "dat". This avoids writing scratch files like root output. Do not start putting data in some new place or with new names. It won't be backed up to MSS if you do that.

The data are deleted from local disks if they have been written in duplicate with correct byte count to the MSS tape silo. The data stay on disk for an amount of time that is related to the amount of disk space is available. If lots of disk available, the data stay forever. If not much disk, the data are deleted aggressively.

 The data is copied to: /mss/accel/peppo/raw
The copying of data was disabled on January 3rd, 2014.
 - To list: crontab -l
 - To remove: crontab -r
 - Check again: crontab -l
 - To load: crontab cron_opsmdaq0 (in /opt/idaq/cron)


The parameters below have not been optimized (as of 6april2022).

fadc250: (
    type = "counting";
    address = 0xed0000;
    slot = 13;
    sd_fp_address = 0xea00;

    init_arg = 0x13;
    mode = 1;

    pl = 85;
    ptw = 50;
    nsb = 5;
    nsa = 28;
    np = 1;

    delay8 = 0;
    delay9 = 2;
    delay11 = 4;

    threshold =
       600,     // CH1 - E LEFT
       600,     // CH2 - E RIGHT
       600,     // CH3 - E UP
       600,     // CH4 - E DOWN
       600,     // CH5 - dE LEFT
       600,     // CH6 - dE RIGHT
       600,     // CH7 - dE UP
       600,     // CH8 - dE DOWN
       1750,      // CH9 - BFM
       1750,      // CH10 - Free (Timing)
       1000,      // CH11 - Mott Trigger
       1750,      // CH12 - Free (Timing_bar)
       10,        // CH13 - Delayed Helicity
       10,        // CH14 - T_Settle
       10,        // CH15 - Pat Sync
       10        // CH16 - Pair Sync

    dac =
       3300,   // CH1 - E LEFT     Range - 0.5 V
       3300,   // CH2 - E RIGHT          - 0.5 V
       3300,   // CH3 - E UP             - 0.5 V
       3300,   // CH4 - E DOWN           - 0.5 V
       3300,   // CH5 - dE LEFT          - 0.5 V
       3300,   // CH6 - dE RIGHT         - 0.5 V
       3300,   // CH7 - dE UP            - 0.5 V
       3300,   // CH8 - dE DOWN          - 0.5 V
       3300,     // CH9 - BFM            - 1.0 V
       3300,     // CH10 - Free             - 1.0 V
       3300,     // CH11 - Mott Trigger       - 1.0 V
       3300,     // CH12 - Free             - 1.0 V
       3300,     // CH13 - Delayed Helicity   - 1.0 V
       3300,     // CH14 - T_Settle         - 1.0 V
       3300,     // CH15 - Pat Sync         - 1.0 V
       3300     // CH16 - Pair Sync         - 1.0 V

  • Reference: JLab Module Manuals [1]
  • Mott_SemiInt uses FADC Mode 7 This mode provides:
  1. Pulse integral (sum of all 4ns samples over set threshold, up to 3 pulses per window)
  2. Pulse time (62.5 ps resolution)
  3. Pedestal average of 4 samples at beginning of window.


The parameters below have not been optimized (as of 6april2022)

fadc250: (
    type = "integrating";
    address = 0xee0000;
    slot = 18;
    sd_fp_address = 0xeb00;

    init_arg = 0x13;
    mode = 1;

    pl = 0;
    ptw = 0;
    nsb = 1;
    nsa = 498;
    np = 1;

    delay8 = 0;
    delay9 = 0;
    delay11 = 0;

    threshold =
      [ 1, 1, 1, 1,
	1, 1, 1, 1,
	1, 1, 1, 1,
	1, 1, 1, 1 ];

    dac =
      [ 3300, 3300, 3300, 3300,
	3300, 3300, 3300, 3300,
	3300, 3300, 3300, 3300,
	3300, 3300, 3300, 3300 ];


Reference: Media:PEPPo-FADC.pdf

Reference: Media:PEPPo_Helicity_Trigger_FADC250.docx

Reference: Media:PEPPpoHelicityFirmware.pdf Media:PEPPpoHelicityFirmware.docx

All the relevant files are at: M:\FE\PEPPo. These files also copied to opsmdaq0 at: /opt/idaq/HaiDong_PEPPo.


 STATUS for TI at VME (Local) base address 0x00180000 (0x7fe83097d000) 
  Firmware revision: 11.3 (tip113.svf)

Reference: Media:TImaster.pdf

Trigger Prescale

The input trigger can be prescaled by the ti:prescale parameter in the Configuration File

    Trigger Prescale := 1 / 2^(prescale)
    prescale is fixed to 0 for Mott_Int
 prescale = 0;


The Java-based event display utility can be used to navigate through the data files.


Jeviodmp Mott Int 98.png


The event format utility (evio2xml) can display, in a readable XML format, events from the data files.

evio2xml [-max max_event] [-pause] [-skip skip_event]
         [-dict dictfilename] [-dtag dtag]
         [-ev evtag] [-noev evtag] [-frag frag] [-nofrag frag] [-max_depth max_depth]
         [-n8 n8] [-n16 n16] [-n32 n32] [-n64 n64]
         [-verbose] [-brief] [-no_data] [-xtod] [-m main_tag] [-e event_tag]
         [-indent indent_size] [-no_typename] [-maxbuf maxbuf] [-debug]
         [-out outfilenema] [-gz] filename


evio2xml -verbose -pause -skip 4 -max 1 Mott_Int_98.dat.0

  <event format="evio" count="5" content="bank" data_type="0x10" tag="65360" padding="0" num="1" length="79" ndata="78">

     <bank content="segment" data_type="0x20" tag="65313" padding="0" num="1" length="11" ndata="10">

        <uint64 data_type="0xa" tag="1" padding="0" length="4" ndata="2">
           0x0000000000000002  0x000000002569e106  

        <uint16 data_type="0x5" tag="1" padding="2" length="1" ndata="1">

        <uint32 data_type="0x1" tag="1" padding="0" length="2" ndata="2">
           0x2569e106  0x91c00000  

     <bank content="bank" data_type="0x10" tag="1" padding="0" num="1" length="65" ndata="64">

        <uint32 data_type="0x1" tag="592" padding="0" num="1" length="41" ndata="40">
           0x84800801  0x90000001  0x98000000  0x007dc31c  
           0xa8000001  0x00c55a24  0xa8800001  0x0081114c  
           0xa9000000  0x00d5191e  0xa9800000  0x00c2689c  
           0xaa000000  0x00b89787  0xaa800000  0x00f7f107  
           0xab000000  0x00b74fd4  0xab800000  0x00c81b0a  
           0xac000000  0x00b03a79  0xac800000  0x00f879d1  
           0xad000001  0x00262b4f  0xad800000  0x00c5c58c  
           0xae000000  0x00df55a6  0xae80001b  0x00997dc0  
           0xaf000000  0x00a14fe7  0xaf800000  0x009fbbf2  
           0xf800ffff  0x8c800026  0xf8000000  0xf8000000  

        <uint32 data_type="0x1" tag="3564" padding="0" num="1" length="21" ndata="20">
           0x85740201  0x95400002  0x9af57dd3  0x00000012  
           0xc000000e  0x00000004  0x000006ae  0x000006ae  
           0x000001ac  0x00000358  0x00408643  0x0000f3f8  
           0x003f924a  0x0000f423  0x00000031  0x77777777  
           0x55555555  0x69699699  0x8ec71389  0x8d400014  

cedit and dbedit

Use cedit and/or dbedit to modify CODA database.

Cedit screen.jpg

Dbedit screen.jpg

Issues and FAQ

  • RunNumber: if the run number in msql is different from the one in CODA cool database, coda doesn't work. Open dbedit => localhost => sessions and change the RunNumber to match the one in CODA cool database.