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* Note 2: At the end of each run, follow the DAQ restart sequence "end run", "abort", "reset", "download", "prestart", "go". The DAQ rate should be 2 -3 kHz (this includes a 1 kHz pulser). After DAQ prestart is complete reboot the scaler IOCs with the command: iocjscalerRestartAll.sh. Note: After each step, make sure it is complete in the Run Control message window. If a roc has crashed, find which one it is and issue a roc_reboot command and try again. Contact the DAQ expert if there are any questions.
* Note 2: At the end of each run, follow the DAQ restart sequence "end run", "abort", "reset", "download", "prestart", "go". The DAQ rate should be 2 -3 kHz (this includes a 1 kHz pulser). After DAQ prestart is complete reboot the scaler IOCs with the command: iocjscalerRestartAll.sh. Note: After each step, make sure it is complete in the Run Control message window. If a roc has crashed, find which one it is and issue a roc_reboot command and try again. Contact the DAQ expert if there are any questions.
* Note 3: Nominal beam positions: 2C21 (X=-0.2 mm, Y=-0.2 mm), 2C24 (X=-0.5 mm, Y=0.9 mm), 2H01 (X=0.5 mm, Y=1.5 mm)
* Note 3: Nominal beam positions: 2C21 (X=0.0 mm, Y=0.0 mm), 2C24 (X=0.0 mm, Y=0.7 mm), 2H01 (X=1.0 mm, Y=-1.0 mm)
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Revision as of 18:07, 17 January 2018

Role Phone Number
Hall B Run Coordinator (757) 575-7540 (cell)
Hall B Physics Division Liaison (757) 876-1789 (cell)
MCC 7048
Crew Chief 7045
Crew Chief (757) 876-3367 (cell)
Program Deputy (757) 876-7997 (cell)
RadCon (757) 876-1743 (cell)
Gate House Guard 5822
Location Phone Number
Hall B Floor 5165
Hall B Space Frame 5170 and 5171
Hall B Forward Carriage 5371
Hall B Gas Shed 7115
Hall B Counting House 5244 (Shift Expert)
Hall B Counting House (757) 329-4846 (Shift Expert cell)
Hall B Counting House 5245 or 5126 (Shift Worker)
Hall A Counting House 5501
Hall C Counting House 6000
Hall D Counting House 5504
Hall B System Phone Number On-Call Person
Engineering (757) 748-5048 (cell)
(757) 897-9060 (cell)
Engineering On-Call (primary)
Denny Insley (secondary)
Slow Controls (757) 748-6922 (cell) Nathan Baltzell
Beamline (757) 303-3996 (cell) Eugene Pasyuk
DC (757) 218-4372 (cell)
(757) 748-5048 (cell)
Florian Hauenstein (primary)
Engineering On-Call (secondary)
SVT/MVT/MM (757) 541-7539 (cell)
(757) 753-7769 (cell)
Yuri Gotra (primary)
Rafo Paremuzyan (secondary)
ECAL (757) 810-1489 (cell) Cole Smith
FTOF/CTOF/CND (757) 344-7204 (cell) Daniel Carman
ALERT (757) 329-4844 (cell) Raphael Dupré
HTCC/LTCC (757) 344-7174 (cell) Youri Sharabian
FT (757) 344-1848 (cell) Raffaella De Vita
BAND (757) 310-7198 (cell) Florian Hauenstein
RICH (757) 344-3235 (cell)
(757) 748-6922 (cell)
Christopher Dilks (primary)
Nathan Baltzell (secondary)
DAQ (757) 232-6221 (cell) Sergey Boiarinov
HYDRA (317) 550-9226 (cell) Torri Jeske
Authorized Hall B Solenoid/Torus Operators
Hall B Denny Insley, Morgan Cook, Eugene Pasyuk
Magnet Group Probir Ghosha, Renuka Rajput-Ghoshal
Detector Support Group Brian Eng, Pablo Campero, Tyler Lemon
DC Power Onish Kumar, Sarin Philip
  • Note, all non-JLab numbers must be dialed with an area code. When calling from a counting-house landline, dial "9" first.
  • To call JLab phones from outside the lab, all 4-digit numbers must be preceded by 757-269
  • Click Here to edit Phone Numbers. Note, you then also have to edit the current page to force a refresh.

Click Here to edit Phone Numbers. Note, you then also have to edit this page to force a refresh.

CLAS12 Engineering Run, Winter 2018
Beam energy 2.1 GeV (1 pass)
Important: Document all your work in the logbook!
Remember to fill in the run list at the beginning and end of each run (clas12run@gmail.com can fill the run list)

RC: Daniel S. Carman

  • (757) 575-7540
  • 9 575 7540 from Counting Room
  • carman@jlab.org

PDL: Eugene Pasyuk

  • (757) 876-1789
  • 9 876-1789 from Counting Room
  • pasyuk@jlab.org

  • Note 1: Be very mindful of the background rates in the halo counters, rates in the detectors, and currents in the SVT for all settings to ensure that they are at safe levels.
  • Note 2: At the end of each run, follow the DAQ restart sequence "end run", "abort", "reset", "download", "prestart", "go". The DAQ rate should be 2 -3 kHz (this includes a 1 kHz pulser). After DAQ prestart is complete reboot the scaler IOCs with the command: iocjscalerRestartAll.sh. Note: After each step, make sure it is complete in the Run Control message window. If a roc has crashed, find which one it is and issue a roc_reboot command and try again. Contact the DAQ expert if there are any questions.
  • Note 3: Nominal beam positions: 2C21 (X=0.0 mm, Y=0.0 mm), 2C24 (X=0.0 mm, Y=0.7 mm), 2H01 (X=1.0 mm, Y=-1.0 mm)

Run Plan:

  • When the beam is stable at 5 nA at the Faraday Cup, turn on the DC, SVT, BMT, FMT, and FT. Contact the MVT, SVT, and FT experts to turn on their systems. Note all rates/currents/occupancies in the logbook.
  • Set up the DAQ for production running with the electron trigger set with an energy threshold of 120 MeV. The DAQ expert (Sergey) will oversee this work.
  • Trigger studies: Optimize the triggers for normalization studies. Study and optimize the FT trigger. The trigger experts will oversee this work.
  • Take calibration data for CLAS12 at currents of 10 nA (π0 events in FT). The FT expert will help to optimize the trigger and conditions for this step.
  • Physics studies (7 settings) 1 shift per setting: (final settings to be determined)
    • -100% torus (neg. polarity), 100% solenoid (pos. polarity)
    • -60% torus (neg. polarity), 100% solenoid (pos. polarity)
    • -60% torus (neg. polarity), 60% solenoid (pos. polarity)
    • -60% torus (neg. polarity), -60% solenoid (neg. polarity)
    • 60% torus (pos. polarity), -60% solenoid (neg. polarity)
    • 60% torus (pos. polarity), -100% solenoid (neg. polarity)
    • 100% torus (pos. polarity), -100% solenoid (neg. polarity)
    • Take data at 1-20 nA (depending on DAQ performance)

Beam Tuning:

  • Whenever preparing to receive beam, make sure the following conditions are established: all CLAS12 detectors are off and target is empty. Turn DC HV off, leaving LV on. For SVT, MVT, FTH and FTT, first turn HV off and then LV off. For any problem, consult with the expert-on-call.
  • Establish beam to the tagger yoke first:
    1. ask MCC to energize the tagger dipole magnet and set the current as needed for dumping the beam in the designated dump on the tagger yoke. MCC will ask you to change (set) the beam delivery mode.
    2. position the "blank" collimator on the beam (this is a collimator block, 30 cm long Ni cylinder, without a hole)
    3. when the tagger magnet is at required setting ask MCC if they are ready to deliver beam to the tagger yoke dump (<=5 nA). It may take ~1 hour for MCC to setup and cleanly transport beam to the tagger yoke dump.
    4. perform harp scans using the wire harp at 2C21 girder and 2C24 (tagger harp). Beam profile, peak position, width and signal/background ratio should be like in https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3507602 and https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3507605. Ask MCC to retune if needed (e.g. beam is too wide or asymmetric or has large tails),repeat the scan after every tune. Iterate to get acceptable beam profile.
  • Send the beam to Faraday Cup dump:
    1. CLAS12 detectors should be OFF, the solenoid magnet current is at 50% its max, torus is at 100%.
    2. ask MCC to degauss and turn the tagger dipole off; while the magnet is being degaussed call the beamline expert (S. Stepanyan) to inform him, you are starting the procedure to send the beam to the Faraday Cup;
    3. position 20 mm collimator on the beam and move "Chromax" screen of the downstream viewer in beam position (if it is not already)
    4. move the beam blocker out: in this configuration beam current readings at 2C24, 2H01 and Faraday Cup should be close.
    5. ask for <= 1 nA, positions, quads settings and rates should be as in https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3502404; pay particular attention to halo counter rates: if very different from what shown in the link, call MCC and ask them to verify their settings; note that BOM gains were lowered today and rates should be lower (see https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3502559).
    6. make sure beam is stable, beam spot is clearly visible on the Chromax viewer and current does not exceed 1 nA;
    7. repeat harp scans at 2C21, 2C24 (tagger harp) and 2H01: the profile for 2H01 should be as in https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3507626. Make sure you select the proper PMT for the analysis. The profile at 2C21 and 2C24 should be as in the scans performed with beam to the tagger magnet yoke dump. If necessary ask MCC to adjust the beam profile at 2H01 to match the previous scan.

When ready to get beam, turn all beamline devices ON, turn all CLAS12 detectors OFF

General Instructions:

  • During beam tuning and harp scans Hall-B halo FSD must be masked.
  • For a given beam current, compute the FSD thresholds according to the Establish Physics Quality Beam document. Call MCC to update the values. Contact the beamline expert if there are questions about setting the FSD thresholds.
  • The main lights in the Hall (dome lights) and the Forward Carriage lights are being kept off because of light leaks affecting some of the detectors. If these lights are switched on during an access, they should be switched off when leaving the Hall. Note that the dome lights when switched off cannot be turned back on immediately because they require 10-15 min to cooldown.
  • Do not run more than 60 minutes above 30 nA with 5-pass beam without the beam blocker in front of Faraday cup. Put beam blocker in for long running at high currents for 5 pass operations.
  • Turn DC HV off only for beam tuning; if no beam is available or when beam is stable, keep them on even if you are not taking data.
  • In case of loss of communication with IOCBTARG, follow instructions at https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3502218
  • With any issue contact On-Call Experts or RC - do not spend more than 15-20 min trying to fix the problem.
  • All jscaler iocs (iocjscalerX) on the health screen under DAQ tab) must be restarted after every DAQ prestart is completed.
  • Check that no unecessary beamline-related screens are open. This includes particularly the big beamline overview screen, but also and any motor/harp/collimator screens, and ioc health screens.

Every Shift:

  1. Follow run plan as outlined by RC
  2. If any concern about beam stability, ask MCC if orbit locks are on (they should be).
  3. Keep shift summary up to date in HBLOG. Record all that happens.
    • Check on white board all scalers, strip charts and monitoring plots that need to be logged regularly
    • Document any beam condition change and send scaler GUIs to HBLOG
    • Fill out BTA hourly. Click "Load from EPICS" to automatically fill the left side.
    • Fill and submit the shift checklist in the logbook
  4. Perform 2H01A harp scan once per shift or when beam conditions have changed, based on beam monitors (BPMs, halo rates, beam-viewer). During harp scans the HV for DC and HTCC should be OFF.

Every Run:

  1. Log screenshots of:
    • main scaler GUI display
    • Detector occupancy plots
    • Trigger rate gui
    • Beam strip charts
