Run Group A
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CLAS12 Run Group A, Spring 2018
Beam energy 10.6 GeV (5 pass)
Important: Document all your work in the logbook!
Remember to fill in the run list at the beginning and end of each run ( can fill the run list)
RC: Lei Guo
- (757) 575-7540
- 9 575 7540 from Counting Room
PDL: Eugene Pasyuk
- (757) 876-1789
- 9 876-1789 from Counting Room
- Note 1: Be very mindful of the background rates in the halo counters, rates in the detectors, and currents in the SVT for all settings to ensure that they are at safe levels.
The integrated rates on UPSTREAM counters has to be in the range 0-15 Hz (rates up 100 Hz are acceptable) and MIDSTREAM has to be in the rage 10-20 Hz (acceptable up to 50 Hz) @50 nA. Count rates in the range of hundreds or more may indicate bad beam tune or bleed-through from other Halls.
- Note 2: At the end of each run, follow the DAQ restart sequence
"end run", "cancel", "reset", then
if run ended correctly "download", "prestart", "", "go".
if run did not ended correctly, or ROCs had to be rebooted "Configure", "download", "prestart", "", "go".
After DAQ prestart is complete reboot the scaler IOCs with the command:
Note: After each step, make sure it is complete in the Run Control message window. If a roc has crashed, find which one it is and issue a roc_reboot command and try again. Contact the DAQ expert if there are any questions.
- Note 3: Nominal beam positions: 2C24A (X=0.5,Y=0.5) , 2H01 (X=1.0 mm, Y=-1.0 mm) see log entry
- Note 4: Do not turn OFF FTOF HVs, even during the beam tune
- Note 5: In case of the Torus and/or Solenoid Fast Dump do the following -
- Notify MCC, request beam OFF and drop Hall status to Power Permit
- Call Engineering on-call
- Make separate log entry with copies to HBTORUS and HBSOLENOID logbooks. In the "Notify" filed add Ruben Fair, Probir Goshal, Dave Kashy and
- Notify Run Coordinator
- Call the MM expert to turn the detector off
- Call SVT expert to turn SVT off
- Turn off all the other detectors
- Note 6: When beam is being delivered to the Faraday Cup -
- the Fast Shut Down: Upstream, Midstream, Downstream, BOM and Solenoid should be always Unmasked,
- No changes to the FSD threshold without RC or beamline expert approval.
- Note 7: Do not turn on or off SVT - only SVT expert can do that
- Note 8: Any request for a special run or change of configuration has to be approved by RC & documented.
- Note 9: Check carefully BTA every hour and run script . It will print for you what HAS TO BE in BTA for this hour. Edit BTA if it is incorrect.
- Note 10: Reset CLAS12MON frequently to avoid histogram saturation.
Run Plan: May2-May 6May 2(Day) - May 6 (Owl)
May 2nd (Day Shift). Continue produciton data taking until 9:00AM, when the beam will be taken away for RF recovery as well as preparation for the tour (1pm). Once the beam is down, request MCC to send survey team to open the hall for restricted access. Call Yuri to turn off the SVT HV. Shift workers should turn the HV off the trackers (MVT, FTT) and DC. Once this is done, call PDL or Denny or Hall B engineering on call to ramp down the magnet. Notify Sergey/Ben (DAQ) in case they need to switch the FADC->VTP board to address the FT trigger bits issues. The tour is scheduled at 1pm. Once the tour is over, please notify MCC for to sweep and close the hall. In the mean time, call PDL/Denny/Hall B engineering on call to ramp the magnet back up. Once magnet is up, call Yuri to turn SVT back on. Shift workers should then turn DC/MVT/FTT back on. Request 5nA CW beam first to be sent to Faraday cup. Verify that the FTC asymmetry is low, and the beam positions are good. Then increase the beam current to 50nA. Remind MCC what our required positions are (0.5mm for 2C24 x and y, 1.0mm for 2H01X and -1.0mm for 2H01Y) if you see any deviation/drift. Resume production data taking once beam is good. If the above failed, follow the procedure for reestablishing the beam and notify RC and beamline expert.
Continue produciton data taking.
Sometimes, a couple of RICH channel scalers would go to 0 and there is no alarm, even though the "# of fjibers connected" would be shown to be the correct 138. Shift takers therefore should periodically, especially at the end of run, check the RICH scalers GUI. If there is an issue, please refer to the instruction below.
General Instructions:
Every Shift:
Every Run: Log screenshots of:
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