AIOP Jul. 12, 2024

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Attendees: David L., Thomas B., Lisa S-L., Rhonda B.

  • Dates
    • F113 reserved all day
      • Oct. 16 - Semiyah (preferred date)
      • Oct. 1. - Rhonda
      • Still need tech trial date
  • Student selection
    • Lisa suggests we give general criteria and allow teachers/staff at schools to select
    • Bulleted list of criteria will be best
      • Should indicated 7th graders who have an interest in ....
      • We should emphasize kids who may have an interest in DS but not get much exposure
    • Looking for 4 kids from each of 8 middle schools in order to get group of ~30 students
    • Rhonda suggested CTE teachers may be better to ask for help in student selection than Life Science teachers given that this will focus on Data Science
  • We will need 2-3 teachers to help manage the kids
  • Funding
    • Science Ed. can cover the cost 30 kids
    • Other possibilities would be to ask CST division or write a JSA proposal
    • Rhonda will help with buying swag (e.g. T-shirt ) for each child participating
  • Activities
    • Thomas shared what he's been thinking about for activities
      • After thinking for a while, he thought incorporating a competition element might be beyond reach given the time and lack of background most kids will have
      • Perhaps doing image segmentation to identify parts of a cell (ties back to Life Science)
      • Use laptop cameras for training on emotions due to facial expressions
    • Discussed a few options. Agreed that we should get a rough draft put together and iterated with Rhonda before July 26th meeting
  • Out of Office:
  • David will be gone Jul. 20 - Aug. 5
  • Thomas will be gone Jul. 19 - Jul. 24

Action Items

  1. Ask Diana about LLM comparison
  2. Bulleted list of criteria for student selection
  3. Draft of activities sent to Rhonda before July 26