Discussion of: Moving Compute towards Data in Heterogeneous multi-FPGA Clusters using Partial Reconfiguration and I/O Virtualisation

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  • Started to get lost around page 3
  • PR = Partial Reconfiguration = uploading new algorithms to FPGA without re-flashing entire board(?)
  • I/O virtualization
  • Design requires compute resources to be distributed throughout storage resources. (cost/benefit?)
  • "... offers users with an illusion of a single and large FPGA, in which they can develop, deploy, and execute applications at large-scale with ease to achieve energy-efficient HPC"
  • Does the benefit only come if the data you need to process happens to be spread out over many nodes?
    • Motivates distributing data as evenly as possible over storage.
    • Energy used to extract data from disk? SSD not a problem. Could be increased energy though if you need to spin up two HDDs as opposed to one.



  • The Ideal Environment
    • Single Major Function Kernel Build
    • Plug and Play Deployment
    • Multiple Deployments on Single FPGA
    • Multiple Deployments on Heterogeneous FPGAs
    • Transparent Performance Scaling
  • Partial Configuration (PR)
    • Hot Insertion of FPGA Region
    • Currently done via Processor Config Access Port (PCAP)
    • Design Modularization
  • SOTA Issues
    • Each Deployment Requires Separate Kernel
    • Tools Do Not Abstract FPGA I/O Heterogeneity
    • All Kernels Require Distinct I/O Configuration
    • Substantial O/H to swap kernels
    • Remote Swaps Have Higher Latency
  • Solution
    • I/O Virtualiztion
    • High Speed ICAP Dynamic Remote Config Service
    • High Level Synthesis
    • UNIMEM: effects PGAS
    • UNILOGIC: Virtual FPGA (VF) PR
      • Remote PR
      • VF task location
      • Visible Memory Mapped Accelerators (Kernels)
      • Transparent Accelerator Access to RDMA
  • FPGA Implementation Stack
    • Decoupled Accelerator Builds
    • H/W Abstractions
    • Accelerator I/F Libs:
      • Standardized Register Map
      • Generic Drivers: Streaming I/F, Master/Slave I/F
      • Runtime/Execution API: Hi Level S/W Integration
      • gRPC: async cluster job launch
  • Performance/Payoff
    • ICAP vs. PCAP: Table I
    • Inter PR comm latency (I/O Virt) 2-3 ns (Fig 3)
    • Build Flow: 55/336 mins (1/6)
    • Execution: Fig 4
    • Energy: Fig 4