EPSCI Group Meeting May 25, 2021

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The meeting time is 10:00am.

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Meeting URL

Meeting ID
253 300 597

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Dial one of the following numbers:
+1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
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Dial: bjn.vc or and enter your meeting ID & passcode


  1. Previous meeting
  2. Announcements
  3. Conferences and Workshops
  4. Ongoing Activities
    • Scientific Software support
      • JLab Common Environment (CE) + SPACK
      • EIC
        • Storage and compute resources for proposal development
      • Offline frameworks (CLARA, JANA2)
    • EJFAT (ESnet/JLab + FPGA +Accelerated Transport)
      • Status of proposal
    • DAQ systems
      • SRO
        • SAMPA + ERSAP + JANA2 + INDRA-ASTRA = Up!
          • Meeting will be scheduled with Markus + Co. for end of May
      • CODA (CODA3 support, EVIO-6)
    • A.I.
      • Experimental Controls
      • AIMCEG
      • LDRDs
        • Accelerator fault prevention - PI: Kishan
        • Surrogate Models - PI: Nathan
        • Amplitude Analysis Inverse Problem - PI: Thomas
    • Offsite Computing
      • OSG
      • NERSC, PSC, IU
  5. AOT


Attendees: Nathan B., Kishan R., Vardan G., Thomas B., Mike G., Torri J., Carl T., Diana M.

    • ESNet development has been delayed due to another, higher priority project
      • Current working on FPGA program (Delivery expected in June)
      • U280 card ordered and delivery expected soon
    • Mike currently investigating HLS programming using C-like coding
      • Going through xilinx tutorial. Very promising so far.
  • SRO
    • Working with INDRA lab
      • Time slicing/Event Building
    • Data Format
      • Resolved issues Dave A. had with FPGA-based ROC
      • Will use older CODA format for front-end communications and EVIO-6 for backend
    • Carl working on updated EVIO event viewer and documentation for ET, EVIO
  • AI
    • AIEC (Experimental Controls)
      • Pulling data from EPICS archive and producing data sets
      • Torri Started looking at CLAS12 data
    • AIMCEG (Monte Carlo Event Generator)
      • Kishan finalizing the initial toolkit
    • LDRD Proposals
      • Cryo energy optimization - Kishan will send draft around today
      • Surrogate Models - Nathan sent budget numbers to Annie. Proposal currently 5 pages
      • AA Inverse Problem - Thomas finalizing Budget justification
  • OSG
    • CLAS issue corrected *front end glidein version was not compatible with other sites)