EPSCI SRO Meeting Apr. 13, 2020

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Connection Info:

This meeting scheduled via MS Teams. Join link should be in your calendar.


  1. Previous Meeting
  2. EIC Streaming Readout VI workshop
    • May 13-15 (online only and may be compressed to 2 days)
    • Contributions from our group?
  3. Use of Hall-B testbed
  4. Status of ADIOS Testing
  5. Status of WMS design
  6. AOT

Useful References


Attendees: David L., Carl T., Jie C., Nathan B., Vardan G., Chris L.


  • Teams Whiteboard feature does not seem to be present. David submitted a Service Now request and will follow up on it.
    • Update: This feature is not available in the "government version" of O365 at the moment.
  • Talks for upcoming EIC SRO workshop next month
    • Everyone should think about what, if anything we can present
    • Update: Looks like we may be too late since the agenda already is filled out. I also heard Chris say something about turning people away already. https://www.jlab.org/indico/event/378/

Hall-B Testbed

  • Ben fixed TCP stack on FPGA
  • Sergey B. asked folks to wait on using it until he has had a chance to test the fix

Offline TriDAS for testing

  • Chris suggested setting up a purely software TriDAS instance that we could work with outside of the context of Hall-B
    • Generally thought to be a good idea and Chris will look into doing it


  • Carl has continued his testing of the ADIOS I/O interface library
  • It supports multiple engines
  • The wide area network engine uses zmq
    • their system allows receivers to drop packets
    • Carl's tests failed due to having too small of packets so the processes started and quit too quickly
  • Started looking at SST engine
    • sockets or RDMA (if it is available)
  • Tested on Mac at 400MB/s
  • Tested on INDRA 100Gbs system up to 1 GB/s (factor of 10 slower than hardware)
  • Carl noted the ADIOS user interface is pretty simple and easy to use. The ADIOS authors have also been very response so far to questions/requests

WMS Meeting

  • David suggested canceling the WMS meeting Fridays in an attempt to reduce the number of meetings
  • There were no objections

Action Items

  • Carl will work on increasing ADIOS bandwidth on INDRA
  • Vardan will work with Sergey B. to get access to the Hall-B testbed once it is available so he can start stressing the TriDAS system there
  • Chris will set up an offline TriDAS system so he can start testing it outside of the Hall-B environment
  • Nathan will work on slides for the Marco SRO talk next week (Thurs. 4/23)