EPSCI SRO Meeting Aug. 22 2022

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Meeting URL: https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/j/1608556097?pwd=S1Fzbk9ubnZsOW5pRStqWW5MVTZLZz09&from=addon
Meeting ID: 160 855 6097
Passcode: 923910

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Meeting ID: 160 855 6097

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Meeting ID: 160 855 6097
Passcode: 923910
SIP: 1608556097@sip.zoomgov.com
Passcode: 923910


  1. Announcements
    1. 23rd Real Time Conference paper submission deadline is today.
  2. SRO 5-7 year planning
    1. Software development
      1. Tiered data storage
      2. data stream transport
      3. ERSAP
        1. Application graphical designer
        2. Engine provisioning and deployment improvements
        3. CLI improvements
        4. New language bindings
      4. General purpose data-stream processing engines
      5. Benchmarking and testings
      6. Commissioning and field studies
        1. EIC prototype detector components data stream readout and processing
        2. Support for the Hall-B SRO upgrades
        3. Prototype GEM detector readout
        4. Integration with the streaming CODA data acquisition system
  3. JCEdit-5.0: CODA COOL streaming front-end
    1. EMU new communications channel
    2. Extend COOL to describe data-stream processing pipelines
    3. CODA connection mechanism to a data-processing pipeline
    4. ETA: first weak of September
  4. GEM prototype detector readout
    1. Resurrecting SAMPA readout system
      1. DSPDecoder engine
      2. SMPTwoStreamAggregatorDecoder
        1. Extending to 10 stream aggregation
  5. ERSAP data stream transport
    1. Currently based on MOM.
    2. Benchmarking Kafka and UDP based zeroMQ based MOMs
    3. Support for P2P fast transport in case actors are deployed within the same real-time.
  6. Store for general purpose data-stream processing engines
    1. ML driven anomaly detection actor development
      1. Commision with the SAMP and/or VTP streaming DAQ
      2. Will need EJFAT and one or many DAQ nodes for scaling.
  7. AOT

Useful References
