EPSCI SRO Meeting Jul. 24 2023

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Connection Info:

You can connect using https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/j/1608556097 (Meeting ID: 1160 855 6097). (Click "Expand" to the right for details -->):


  1. Announcements
    1. Deadline for the CHEP23 paper is in September.
    2. Considering a modification of the meeting's starting time.
  2. GEM detector streaming readout
    1. Successful identification of pulser signals.
    2. No new SAMPA SRO request from the CNU group.
    3. Allocate some time to testing and optimizing stream mining actors within the ERSAP framework.
    4. @ToDo: GBT link level parallelization
      1. Parallelize GBT link five subgroups
  3. CLAS12 streaming readout
    1. The testing of the CLAS12 streaming readout is planned for October. The essential hardware required for these tests has been placed on order, with expectations of timely delivery.
    2. Develop ERSAP actors for the CLAS12 trigger.
      1. Reconstruction validation actor in development (Gagik)
      2. Raffaella is looking into a standart validation suit.
  4. Preparation for the JIRAF-EJFAT-EsNet-NERSC integration
    1. Docker image
    2. Local pilot test
      1. Verify the functionality and performance of the EJFAT transport system
      2. Optimize stream processing back-end in terms of performance and hardware utilization
  5. ERSAP Roadmap
    1. ERSAP v2.0
    2. Prototyping internal transport system using Kafka.
  6. AOT

Useful References
