EPSCI SRO Meeting Jun. 5 2023
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Meeting ID: 160 855 6097
Passcode: 923910
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Meeting ID: 160 855 6097
Passcode: 923910
SIP: 1608556097@sip.zoomgov.com
Passcode: 923910
- Announcements
- GEM detector streaming readout
- The actor SampaFileSink was modified to suppress DAS decoder zeros
- Developed SAMPA event identification actor
- Created JSON decoded files for off-line analysis
- @ToDo: GBT link level parallelization
- Parallelize GBT link five subgroups
- CLAS12 streaming readout
- Hardware will be available mid fall
- Develop ERSAP actors for knowledge discovery from data streams
- Hardware will be available mid fall
- ERSAP for JIRAF-EJFAT-EsNet-NERSC integration test
- Local pilot test
- Hardware: indra-s2, ejfat-1-daq
- ET source actor
- Pi0 visualization actor
- Local pilot test
- ERSAP Roadmap
Useful References
- SRO Meetings
- CLAS12 SRO page
- ERSAP Document
- Vardan's WMS draft
- Graham's Paper describing SRO
- Dave Abbott's slides on data format