EPSCI SRO Meeting Mov. 13 2023

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Passcode: 923910


  1. Announcements
    1. Critical milestone is achieved!
      1. The ERSAP stream processing data pipeline has successfully reconstructed CLAS12 data originating from a stream at JLAB.
        1. This marks the first demonstration of remote data-stream processing utilizing ERSAP.
      2. This marks the inaugural data stream transportation and intelligent load balancing, guided by the EJFAT.
  2. ERSAP recent developments
    1. MonitorOrchestrator
      1. DataRing of monitored data
        1. PrometheusExpoeter and InfluxDBReporter as clients
    2. GenericOrchestrator
      1. Prometheus exporter based on io.prometheus.client.Gauge
        1. It now tracks the average event processing time, total processed events, and cumulative processing duration, all accessible via an HTTP server on localhost.
  3. Indra Lab streaming readout
    1. SAMPA SRO and processing is operational.
      1. The ERSAP SAMPA decoder and analyzer engines have been upgraded.
      2. We've revised the Wiki instructions and conducted practical sessions with the CNU group and Holley.
  4. JIRAF-EJFAT-EsNet-NERSC integration test.
    1. Preparing for the extensive scalability test at NERSC with JIRIAF.
    2. Developing the stream source actor to transmit reconstructed events to JLAB.
  5. VTP stream hit identification algorithm
    1. Adaptive Crawling Window Event Clustering (ACWEC) algorithm
      1. Collaborating with Ben to code the algorithm onto the VTP FPGA.
  6. Writing data from Kafka into DAOS and streaming data from DAOS to Kafka.
    1. Awaiting the readiness of a test bed.
  7. AOT

Useful References
