HOWTO build and run PHASM on Geant4 examples

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This page is incomplete. It needs instructions for building and running PHASM.

Building and running a Geant4 example

Here are some instructions for using singularity to build a Geant4 example and run it.

 source /etc/profile.d/
 module load singularity
 singularity shell -B/cvmfs:/cvmfs /cvmfs/
 Singularity> source /cvmfs/
 Singularity> spack env activate phasm

The source for the Geant4 examples is available in /cvmfs though it has not been compiled. Compile it in your own directory like this:

 # Define G4EX as the source directory of the example we want to build.
 # This just makes the cmake and other commands a little more readable.
 # The G4EX envar is not actually used by any of the software.
 # B4 is a simple sampling calorimeter example.
 export G4EX=$SPACK_ROOT/opt/spack/linux-*/*/geant4-*/share/Geant4/examples/basic/B4
 # export G4EX=$SPACK_ROOT/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64/gcc-11.3.0/geant4-11.1.0-px46pszk3frzg74fdbsqktipkohbyq3u/share/Geant4/examples/basic/B4 # for cuda container
 cmake --build build --target install -- -j8

There are actually 4 variants of this example that are built. All will be installed in install/bin. The examples expect you to use macros that came with the source. Copy the macros to your working directory and run an example like this:

 cp -rp $G4EX/macros  .
 cd macros
 # A lot of output will be printed and a graphics window will open.
 # Eventually, you will be given a prompt where you may enter commands.
 # Enter the command run/beamOn 1 to simulated a single event.
 Idle> run/beamOn 1
 # Quit the simulation
 Idle> exit

Note: You can control the number of threads and turn off visualization by editing the file init_vis.mac before starting the example.