How to run a simulation of a control plane with ERSAP backend

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Start with the gRPC installation directory and define some environmental variables

export GRPC_INSTALL_DIR=/daqfs/gRPC/installation
export GRPC_JAVA_INSTALL_DIR=/daqfs/gRPC/java_installation

Running the ET related programs

Access to ET system files has been made simple by placing them into the gRPC installation
ET libraries are in $GRPC_INSTALL_DIR/lib
ET includes are in $GRPC_INSTALL_DIR/include
ET executables are in $GRPC_INSTALL_DIR/bin
ET jar file is in $GRPC_JAVA_INSTALL_DIR/jars

Run the ET system as a fifo. Use 1000, 150kB buffers
./et_start_fifo -f /tmp/fifoEt -d -s 150000 -n 1 -e 1000
On the same node, after running the ET system, run a java-based consumer of ET system buffers with a delay of 1 microsec between fifo gets (ERSAP simulator). Compiled with java 8.
java -cp $GRPC_JAVA_INSTALL_DIR/jars/* -f /tmp/fifoEt -v -d 1

Running the ejfat repository's gRPC enabled programs:

Run the following programs in this order:
  1. reassembler of backend data and sender of info to control plane
  2. sender of data to the backend
  3. simulator of the control plane

Compile the code in the ersap branch of the ejfat repository
cd <ejfat dir>/build
git pull
rm CMakeCache.txt
cmake .. -DBUILD_ET=1 -DBUILD_GRPC=1

Run the data reassembler with PID loop and communication back to control plane
cd <ejfat dir>/build/bin
./packetBlasteeEtFifo -p 17750 -b 4000000 -r 25000000 -cores 82 -f /tmp/fifoEt

Run the data sender
cd <ejfat dir>/build/bin
./clasBlaster -f /daqfs/java/clas_005038.1231.hipo -host -p 19522 -mtu 9000 -s 25000000 -cores 80

Run the simulated control plane
cd <ejfat dir>/build/bin
./control_plane -a -p 50051

The heart of the simulated control plane is a very simple loop

    LoadBalancerControlClient client(ipAddr, port, "carlsControlPlane");

    while (true) {

        int32_t err = client.GetState();
        if (err != 0) {
            std::cerr << "Error calling GetState()" << std::endl;

        // Delay 2 seconds between printouts