Install an EJFAT Load Balancer

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New Installation Preparations

Check for stale docker images:

docker image ls

Delete images with tags: esnet-smartnic-fw, smartnic-dpdk-docker, xilinx-labtools-docker, udplbd

Initial setup:

mkdir ~/esnet 

cd ~/esnet 

git clone --recursive 

git clone --recursive 

git clone --recursive 

git clone

git clone 

Proper revisions:

Stable Lineup
Purpose Version Container Revision
HW 57684 udplb c6956b46
FW 58131 esnet-smartnic-fw a07943f0
SW 0.3.2 udplbd 5712d10
Lab 57755 xilinx-labtools-docker 977a5678
DPDK 57593 smartnic-dpdk-docker fd1ea53

Xilinx Supports tools:

Required Binaries

cp /daqfs/ejfat/Downloads/xilinx/Vivado_Lab_Lin_2023.2_1013_2256.tar.gz  ~/esnet/xilinx-labtools-docker/vivado-installer/ 
cp /daqfs/ejfat/Downloads/xilinx/                         ~/esnet/xilinx-labtools-docker/sc-fw-downloads 
cp /daqfs/ejfat/Downloads/esnet/                       ~/esnet/xilinx-labtools-docker/sc-fw-downloads

Docker build for Xilinx Labtools:

cd ~/esnet/xilinx-labtools-docker

git checkout 977a5678

Follow instructions in

Docker build for DPDK:

cd ~/esnet/smartnic-dpdk-docker 

git checkout fd1ea53

Follow instructions in

Docker build for smartnic:

cd ~/esnet/esnet-smartnic-fw 

git checkout a07943f0

The ejfat f/w is engineered and obtained from ESnet as an artifacts file:


cp /daqfs/ejfat/Downloads/esnet/artifacts.au280.$SN_HW_APP_NAME.$ ~/esnet/esnet-smartnic-fw/sn-hw 

Follow instructions in up to and including (if necessary) the following lines:

mkdir -p ~/.docker/cli-plugins/
curl -SL -o ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose
chmod +x ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose 

update cloned repo:

git submodule init 

git submodule update 

Modifiy the .env file:

cp example.env .env 

The following .env var lines must be populated:

Note that Docker images can be retrieved from a remote repository or retrieval will instead be made from a local Docker repository.




Un-remark and set the following lines:




SN_FW_VER=44124       #Note this value is useful but not critical; can be set to zero 

5.1 Build the firmware:


Modify the sn-stack/.env file:

Un-remark and set the following lines:


Note that this causes use of the host IOMMU which supports several different functions in the LB stack.

Un-remark and set the JTag serial code:

Execute the bash cmd:

sudo lsusb -v -d 0403:6011 | grep iSerial|tr -s ' '|cut -f4 -d' '

e.g., 21770323600G

HW_TARGET_SERIAL=21770323600GA   #Note the appended 'A' char 

Execute the bash cmd:

lspci -Dd 10ee:|head -1|tr -s ' '|cut -f1 -d' '|cut -f1 -d'.'

e.g., 0000:a1:00

Un-remark and set the FPGA PCI device code:


Execute the bash cmd:


e.g., ejfat-2

Un-remark and set the following lines:          #Note this is the data planes (FPGA) well known IPV4 address or network name 

Un-remark and set the rpc AUTH token:

Execute the bash cmd:

openssl rand -base64 24

e.g., 1CEpuDN0z39AFndEvcP3EmsuT8zu+3lt


Un-remark and set the P4 AUTH token:

Execute the bash cmd:

openssl rand -base64 24

e.g., N8C1q/6b2iXSBax30lFoSK0c77BLt5P3


Modify the sn-stack/docker-compose.yml file:

In the smartnic-hw/command: section (line #249), uncomment the FORCE argument line in the /scripts/ invocation:

      - /bin/bash
      - -c
      - -e
      - -o
      - pipefail
      - -x
      - |
        if [ ! -e /bitfiles/ok ] ; then
          exit 1
        /scripts/ \
          xilinx-hwserver:3121 \
          "${HW_TARGET_SERIAL:-*}" \
          /bitfiles/esnet-smartnic.bit \
          $FPGA_PCIE_DEV \
          FORCE                           #### <- ###################
        if [ $$? ] ; then
          touch /status/ok
          sleep infinity

In older configurations it is required to expose TCP port 50051 (smartnic-p4) outside of the *firmware* docker stack so that the external control plane can reach the p4 agent. This is needed for retro-fitting older firmware with the newer FW / control-plane split. Newer firmware doesn't need this port fixup.

Exposing the p4 agent TCP port is done by adding this stanza to the "smartnic-p4" section:

      - "50051:50051" 

add the following lines to the end of the smartnic-p4 (line #560): section:


        max-file: 5 
        max-size: 100m

Verify the sn-stack/docker-compose.yml:

cd sn-stack 

docker compose config --quiet && echo "All good!" 

If applicable, follow instructions in esnet-smartnic-fw/sn-stack/ for: One-Time setup:

Converting from factory flash image to ESnet Smartnic flash image

Perform a cold-boot (power cycle) of the server hosting the FPGA card

It is essential that this is a proper power cycle and not simply a warm reboot. Specifically do not use

shutdown -r now  


shutdown -P  

then (Remotely): (smokenmirrors)

ipmitool -I lanplus -U ejfat -L Operator -H $ chassis power status
ipmitool -I lanplus -U ejfat -L Operator -H $ chassis power on

Failure to perform a cold-boot here will result in an unusable card.

Normal Operation of the Runtime Environment:

docker compose up -d

Verify that

docker compose -f ~/esnet/esnet-smartnic-fw/sn-stack/docker-compose.yml  exec smartnic-fw sn-cli dev version 

Returns something like:

Device Version Info

        DNA:           0x40020000013b83c12c108485 
        USR_ACCESS:    0x0000ac1b (57684) 
        BUILD_STATUS:  0x12211043 
docker compose -f ~/esnet/esnet-smartnic-fw/sn-stack/docker-compose.yml  logs smartnic-fw

Returns something like:

smartnic-fw-1 | + sleep infinity

Library build for ersap-grpc

cd ~/esnet/ersap-grpc/

git switch  esnet3
git checkout a3b85c3868554380e12759f23335eaf3fead2441

export GRPC_INSTALL_DIR=/daqfs/ersap/installation3

Follow instructions in

Note: It is typically not necessary to install/build grpc as the line above indicates

Docker build for Control Plane:

cd ~/esnet/udplbd/

git checkout 5712d10

cp /daqfs/ejfat/Downloads/JLab/JLabCA.crt ~/esnet/udplbd/

Modifiy docker-compose.yml

Mount host filespace for /data (line #10):

    - ./etc:/etc/udplbd.
    - ./data:/data

Mount host TLS cert location for /certs (line #10):

    - ./etc:/etc/udplbd.
    - ./data:/data
    - /etc/letsencrypt/archive/<machine>

remove the leftover udplbd data base file:

rm ~/esnet/udplbd/data/udplbd.db

Follow instructions in

Modifiy /etc/config.yml

  • specify FPGA DP IPV4/6 addresses (up to 8) int the ipv4: and ipv6: sections
  • specify FPGA DP MAC unicast/broadcast addresses
  • set IP numbers for CP host
  • Put host IPV4 for CP event numbers/host (sync)
  • Specify an event number/port for each DP address above
  • Put CP host IPV4 for CP server/host (grpc) listen address
  • Specify an auth token for CP grpc comms
  • optionally enable server/TLS
  • optionally specify container path to server/tls/certFile and server/tls/keyFile
  • optionally set CP logging info level
  • disable smartnic mock mode
  • set smartnic host as "localhost"
  • set smartnic port to match smartnic-fw setup above
  • set smartnic auth token to match that configured above for smartnic P4
  • enable smartnic tls and set verify to false
  • add a top-level section for prometheus e.g.,
      enable: true

    Build the CP container

    docker compose build

    Launch the CP container

    docker compose up -d

    Verify CP is correctly operating

    docker compose -f ~/esnet/udplbd/docker-compose.yml  logs udplbd | less

    Execute the the FPGA cmac setup procedure

    cp /daqfs/ejfat/Downloads/esnet/ ~/esnet/esnet-smartnic-fw/sn-stack/scratch
    chmod +x ~/esnet/esnet-smartnic-fw/sn-stack/scratch/
    docker compose -f ~/esnet/esnet-smartnic-fw/sn-stack/docker-compose.yml  exec smartnic-fw /scratch/ > ~/esnet/esnet-smartnic-fw/sn-stack/scratch/u280_cmac_setup.out