JIRIAF Meeting Sep. 28 2023
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Meeting ID: 161 690 3130
Passcode: 018094
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Meeting ID: 161 690 3130
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Meeting ID: 160 851 8798
Passcode: 018094
- Announcements
- The initial manuscript outlining our project has been submitted to the EPJ.
- The JIRIAF LDRD project has been chosen to receive funding for its second year of operation.
- Remote Access to jiriaf2301/02
- Verify if remote access to jiriaf2301/02 is resolved.
- xrdp installation.
- Discuss the need for acceptable remote access performance on jiriaf2301/03 for prototyping purposes.
- Verify if remote access to jiriaf2301/02 is resolved.
- Running Remote JRM with Virtual Kubelet (vk-cmd)
- Discuss the setup of running a remote JRM using the k8s API server on jiriaf2301.
- Please be advised that the JRM job constitutes a resource allocation mechanism, and the execution of the actual workflow will take place on this allocated resource after the decision made by JMS.
- Can we run multiple pods (user workflows) on a reserved resource (i.e., JRM/virtual Kubelet)?
- May we depend on the Kubernetes API server to coordinate the orchestration of these pods?
- Share any recent developments or challenges in this area.
- Running JRM as a SLURM/SWIF Job
- Explore the process of running JRM as a SLURM job.
- Discuss the advantages and benefits of utilizing SWIF for running JRM.
- Address any questions or concerns regarding this choice.
- Explore the process of running JRM as a SLURM job.
- JCS and k8s API Server
- Discuss how the JCS and/or k8s API server will update the "available resources" table in the MariaDB.
- Discuss mechanisms interacting with the k8s API server.
- Discuss how JRM job records are maintained in the database.
- Running CLAS12 Data-Stream Processing Pipeline
- Outline the steps to prepare a Docker image for the CLAS12 data-stream processing pipeline.
- Discuss running the pipeline container as a k8s POD inside a JRM on a Perlmutter node at NERSC.
- Status of the Front-End
- Provide an update on the current status of the front-end system.
- JIRIAF Entry Web Page
- Discuss whether a web server running on jiriaf2301 is required for the JIRIAF entry web page.
- Connection to MariaDB Back-End
- Confirm if there is a connection to the MariaDB back-end for populating the "user-job-request" table.
- Status of the JIRIAF REST API
- Provide an update on the current status and functionality of the JIRIAF REST API.
- Authentication of JIRIAF Users
- Explore the authentication mechanisms used by SWIF and OSG.
- Discuss the feasibility of adopting these mechanisms for JIRIAF.
- Explore the authentication mechanisms used by SWIF and OSG.
- Metadata Characterizing User Resources and Processing Requests
- Discuss the metadata related to user resources and processing requests, including data source, core requirements, memory, disk space, walk time, preferred site, and other relevant factors.
- JIRIAF Workflow Request Matching Server (JMS)
- Describe the role and mechanisms of JMS in running Kubernetes pods.
- Share any updates or changes in this area.
- JMS Matching Algorithms
- Discuss different matching algorithms JMS uses, such as exact matching and distributed resource allocation.
- Explore the implications and benefits of these algorithms.
Useful References