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| [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp IEEE''Xplore'']
| [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp IEEE''Xplore'']
| [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9790352 Energy-Aware Non-Preemptive Task Scheduling With Deadline Constraint in DVFS-Enabled Heterogeneous Clusters]
| [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9790352 Energy-Aware Non-Preemptive Task Scheduling With Deadline Constraint in DVFS-Enabled Heterogeneous Clusters]
| 202?-0?-??
| 2022-01-18
| [[Discussion of: Energy-Aware Non-Preemptive Task Scheduling With Deadline Constraint in DVFS-Enabled Heterogeneous Clusters]]
| [[Discussion of: Energy-Aware Non-Preemptive Task Scheduling With Deadline Constraint in DVFS-Enabled Heterogeneous Clusters]]

Revision as of 18:18, 3 January 2023

The EPSCI group attempts to keep up with recent software activities in the field by reviewing another paper every fortnight(=2 weeks). The table below lists the papers themselves along with links to any discussion notes. Most of these we will try and pull from journals listed on the EPSCI publications page, however papers from any source may be considered . Suggestions for papers to review are welcome!

Fortnight Papers
Journal Title Discussion date Discussion Notes
IEEEXplore Energy-Aware Non-Preemptive Task Scheduling With Deadline Constraint in DVFS-Enabled Heterogeneous Clusters 2022-01-18 Discussion of: Energy-Aware Non-Preemptive Task Scheduling With Deadline Constraint in DVFS-Enabled Heterogeneous Clusters
Computing & Software For Big Science Future Trends in Nuclear Physics Computing 2022-07-06 Discussion of: Future Trends in Nuclear Physics Computing
arXiv.org The Convergence of Markov chain Monte Carlo Methods: From the Metropolis method to Hamiltonian Monte Carlo 2022-06-22 Discussion of: The Convergence of Markov chain Monte Carlo Methods: From the Metropolis method to Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
Distill Multimodal Neurons in Artificial Neural Networks 2022-05-11 Discussion of: Multimodal Neurons in Artificial Neural Networks
Nature Magnetic control of tokamak plasmas through deep reinforcement learning 2022-03-30 Discussion of: Magnetic control of tokamak plasmas through deep reinforcement learning
arXiv.org A 20 Gbps PAM4 Data Transmitter ASIC for Particle Physics Experiments 2022-03-02 Discussion of: A 20 Gbps PAM4 Data Transmitter ASIC for Particle Physics Experiments
EAoAI A tutorial on solving ordinary differential equations using Python and hybrid physics-informed neural network 2022-02-02 Discussion of: A tutorial on solving ordinary differential equations using Python and hybrid physics-informed neural network
NIM Classical and machine learning methods for event reconstruction in NeuLAND 2022-01-19 Discussion of: Learning Classical and machine learning methods for event reconstruction in NeuLAND
arXiv.org Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization 2021-11-01 Discussion of: Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization
IEEE Moving Compute towards Data in Heterogeneous multi-FPGA Clusters using Partial Reconfiguration and I/O Virtualisation 2021-09-27 Discussion of: Moving Compute towards Data in Heterogeneous multi-FPGA Clusters using Partial Reconfiguration and I/O Virtualisation
CPC Real-time data processing in the ALICE High Level Trigger at the LHC 2021-08-30 Discussion of: RT data processing for ALICE HLT
arXiv.org Mask R-CNN 2021-07-19 Discussion of: Mask R-CNN
(multi) 2021-06-21 Discussion of: Julia
NIM Throttling strategies and optimization of the trigger-less streaming DAQ system in the CBM experiment 2021-06-07 discussion
IEEE Xplore Explaining Deep Neural Networks and Beyond: A Review of Methods and Applications 2021-05-24 discussion
CPC HEP-Frame: Improving the efficiency of pipelined data transformation & filtering for scientific analyses 2021-04-30 discussion
CPC Jas4pp — A data-analysis framework for physics and detector studies 2021-03-15 discussion
vCHEP Hydra
2021-03-01 discussion
CPC Development of FPGA based phase alignment logic for the high speed protocol in HEP Experiments 2020-11-23 discussion
CPC FeynGame 2020-10-12 discussion
N/A Python Global Interpreter Lock
RealPython GIL
2020-09-28 discussion
SoftwareX Mcfly: Automated deep learning on time series 2020-09-07 discussion
SoftwareX GeoRocket: A scalable and cloud-based data store for big geospatial files 2020-08-24 discussion
CPC The Control Unit of the KM3NeT Data Acquisition System 2020-07-20 discussion
SoftwareX Qudi: A modular python suite for experiment control and data processing 2020-06-29 discussion