Difference between revisions of "EPSCI Group Meeting Mar. 1, 2021"

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#* [https://forms.gle/YWN28kYfeeLUyQ5N6 Virginia Science Bowl Volunteer] (MS: Mar 6)
#* [https://forms.gle/YWN28kYfeeLUyQ5N6 Virginia Science Bowl Volunteer] (MS: Mar 6)
#* [https://sea.ucar.edu/conference/2021 SEA'S IMPROVING SCIENTIFIC SOFTWARE CONFERENCE AND TUTORIALS 2021] (Mar. 22-26)
#* [https://sea.ucar.edu/conference/2021 SEA'S IMPROVING SCIENTIFIC SOFTWARE CONFERENCE AND TUTORIALS 2021] (Mar. 22-26)
#** Vardan: Streaming data processing from multiple satellite data sets under the NASA/GEWEX SRB project.
#** Vardan: Streaming data processing from multiple satellite data sets under the NASA/GEWEX SRB project. (Mar. 26 @ 1pm)
#* [https://autonomous-discovery.lbl.gov/ Autonomous Discovery in Science and Engineering workshop] (April 20-22)
#* [https://autonomous-discovery.lbl.gov/ Autonomous Discovery in Science and Engineering workshop] (April 20-22)
#* [https://indico.cern.ch/event/948465/page/21488-bulletin-1 vCHEP2021] (May 17-21)
#* [https://indico.cern.ch/event/948465/page/21488-bulletin-1 vCHEP2021] (May 17-21)
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#** CODA (CODA3 support, EVIO-6)
#** CODA (CODA3 support, EVIO-6)
#* A.I.
#* A.I.
#* GPU purchase for ENP
#** GPU purchase for ENP
#** [https://www.overleaf.com/project/5f8d8d165f7a1900018fa7c4 A.I.I.] : [[Feb. 3, 2021 A.I.I. Planning]]
#** [https://www.overleaf.com/project/5f8d8d165f7a1900018fa7c4 A.I.I.] : [[Feb. 3, 2021 A.I.I. Planning]]
#** Experimental Controls
#** Experimental Controls
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=== Minutes: ===
=== Minutes: ===
<!-- Attendees: David L., Carl T., Nathan B., Kishan R., Vardan G., Thomas B. -->
Attendees: David L., Carl T., Nathan B., Kishan R., Vardan G., Thomas B., Graham H.
* Announcements
** All 3 vCHEP papers submitted
** New epsci@jlab.org mailing list created
*** Waiting on Ed to complete hardware setup. Vardan and Carl will talk with him offline.
** VTP setup
*** Vardan has done some testing of the system
*** Ben R. setup pulser system to feed 2 programmable pulser signals to 32 fADC250 channels
**** The two pulser outputs can be synchronized or independent
**** System should be available this week
** Carl has compiled the C++ version of ERSAP VTP software on computers outside of INDRA lab
*** Need boost libraries installed in INDRA lab to compile it there
** Carl has been working with Dave A. to get full CODA to compile with EVIO-6 release
** A feature of AFECS was built-in some time ago to look for dangling cMsg servers so they could be disabled/avoided
*** Dave A would like the frequency of the probe to be reduced and is working with Vardan on that
** David and Carl met last week to go over some of the work David has done on the SPACK deployment.
*** Carl is working to absorb info with idea to include some CODA packages in the SPACK repository
** Carl has been going through CERN online course on Docker
* AI
** Thomas and Kishan met with Bryan. In consultation with Graham, they now have a potential plan for GPU purchase for the new farm.
*** Unable to use gamer cards in the farm so looking at things like P100's
*** Bryan is looking into prices
** Thomas has started going over Hydra paper with intent to release it for group-wide review sometime this week
** Kishan has been looking some code Nobuo sent.
** Neutron/Photon classification problem for GlueX
*** Student James Giroux plans to send some notebooks early this week
** AI Experimental Controls
*** Committee made some decisions but they depend on details being worked out.
**** Don't expect to have anyone in place before April
** Edgar replacement still filling out paperwork and going through training
** Thomas will be sponsor so also has to go through training about host foreign nationals
** scosg20 to be rolled out soon(?)
** Nathan working on getting scons build system to work with JANA2 port of GlueX halld_recon
** Pukai working to install libraries, but did not attempt to align with know set of version numbers from existing software stack
** Switched him to use Docker
*** Experienced some issues so Dmitry release new image
** Meeting tomorrow morning with Nathan, David, Markus D., and Andreas Saltzberger of ACTS to discuss EIC + JANA2 + ACTS project.
*** David and Nathan will meet today at 2pm to go over material prior to meeting

Latest revision as of 21:55, 1 March 2021

The meeting time is 10:00am.

Connection Info:

You can connect using BlueJeans Video conferencing (ID: 253 300 597). (Click "Expand" to the right for details -->):

Meeting URL

Meeting ID
253 300 597

Want to dial in from a phone?

Dial one of the following numbers:
+1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
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Enter the meeting ID and passcode followed by #

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Dial: bjn.vc or and enter your meeting ID & passcode


  1. Previous meeting
  2. Announcements
  3. Ongoing Activities
    • DAQ systems
      • SRO
        • SAMPA + ERSAP + JANA2 + INDRA-ASTRA = April 1st
      • CODA (CODA3 support, EVIO-6)
    • A.I.
    • Offsite Computing
      • NERSC, PSC, IU
      • OSG
    • Scientific Software support
    • Experiment Support
      • EIC (EIC Software Expression of Interest meeting 1/27)
      • CPP
      • SOLID
  4. Publications
  5. AOT

D&I Message from 2/18/2021 (Click "Expand" to the right for details -->):

A message from Gina Lawson on Jefferson Lab's D&I Program Lead:

As some of you may know from the Weekly Briefs, Jefferson Lab's D&I Program Lead and members of Leadership are facilitating demographic focus group meetings that focus on groups at the lab that scored the lab lower during the 2020 D&I Survey. The goal of these meetings is to gain additional feedback from staff members belonging to these focus groups so that Leadership is aware of the issues, and solutions can be generated to alleviate these problems when able.

I was hoping since you all work closely with your groups/divisions, you would be able to help me in getting the word out to staff within your group, so those who will want to participate are aware of these meetings and are able to attend.

Also, there is a meeting scheduled specifically for Administrative Assistants to be held on March 2nd.

Here is the information for each of the remaining scheduled meetings:

Feb. 18: Veteran Status - Will Oren
Feb. 19: Role (Technicians) - Andrei Seryi
Feb. 23: Age/Generation - Amber Boehnlein
Feb. 25: Race - Lauren Hansen
Feb. 26: Gender - Jennifer Logan
Mar. 2: Role (Admin Assistant) - Stephen Smith
Mar. 10: Role (Staff Admin) - Stephen Smith
Mar. 16: Disability - Rusty Sprouse

Meeting links are included in the calendar event links for each event listed above.

Please let me know if you have any questions or have any concerns. Thank you! Gina

Rachel Harris Administrator Support Physics & IT Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Jefferson Science Associates, LLC 757-269-5345 harris@jlab.org


Attendees: David L., Carl T., Nathan B., Kishan R., Vardan G., Thomas B., Graham H.

  • Announcements
    • All 3 vCHEP papers submitted
    • New epsci@jlab.org mailing list created
  • SRO
      • Waiting on Ed to complete hardware setup. Vardan and Carl will talk with him offline.
    • VTP setup
      • Vardan has done some testing of the system
      • Ben R. setup pulser system to feed 2 programmable pulser signals to 32 fADC250 channels
        • The two pulser outputs can be synchronized or independent
        • System should be available this week
    • Carl has compiled the C++ version of ERSAP VTP software on computers outside of INDRA lab
      • Need boost libraries installed in INDRA lab to compile it there
  • CODA
    • Carl has been working with Dave A. to get full CODA to compile with EVIO-6 release
    • A feature of AFECS was built-in some time ago to look for dangling cMsg servers so they could be disabled/avoided
      • Dave A would like the frequency of the probe to be reduced and is working with Vardan on that
    • David and Carl met last week to go over some of the work David has done on the SPACK deployment.
      • Carl is working to absorb info with idea to include some CODA packages in the SPACK repository
    • Carl has been going through CERN online course on Docker
  • AI
    • Thomas and Kishan met with Bryan. In consultation with Graham, they now have a potential plan for GPU purchase for the new farm.
      • Unable to use gamer cards in the farm so looking at things like P100's
      • Bryan is looking into prices
    • Thomas has started going over Hydra paper with intent to release it for group-wide review sometime this week
    • Kishan has been looking some code Nobuo sent.
    • Neutron/Photon classification problem for GlueX
      • Student James Giroux plans to send some notebooks early this week
    • AI Experimental Controls
      • Committee made some decisions but they depend on details being worked out.
        • Don't expect to have anyone in place before April
  • OSG
    • Edgar replacement still filling out paperwork and going through training
    • Thomas will be sponsor so also has to go through training about host foreign nationals
    • scosg20 to be rolled out soon(?)
  • JANA2
    • Nathan working on getting scons build system to work with JANA2 port of GlueX halld_recon
  • ACTS
    • Pukai working to install libraries, but did not attempt to align with know set of version numbers from existing software stack
    • Switched him to use Docker
      • Experienced some issues so Dmitry release new image
    • Meeting tomorrow morning with Nathan, David, Markus D., and Andreas Saltzberger of ACTS to discuss EIC + JANA2 + ACTS project.
      • David and Nathan will meet today at 2pm to go over material prior to meeting