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|D. Lawrence | |D. Lawrence | ||
|DOE NP PI Exchange Meeting | |DOE NP PI Exchange Meeting | ||
− | |[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1n4jKX9HLc_k8VcW_a3qGcJs_PGxoq0FCOJZoDFDHMT4/edit?usp=sharing] | + | |[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1n4jKX9HLc_k8VcW_a3qGcJs_PGxoq0FCOJZoDFDHMT4/edit?usp=sharing Slides] |
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Revision as of 19:53, 10 January 2023
- Proposal
- AIEC Gain Factor Summary Note
- PrimEx instructions
- Cosmics test plans
- CPP plans
- Better look-back ideas
- PrimEx 2022
- Dataset Lists
Wish list
We should send the physics coordinator any abstracts submitted to conferences.
GlueX Publication Policies apply to journal publications and conference proceedings.
We have to ALLOW AT LEAST THREE WEEKS to get the paper approved by GlueX before submitting it. We should also update the list of instrumentation publications.
Date | Presenter | Event | Slides | Proceedings |
2022-12-03 | D. McSpadden, T. Jeske, ... | ML for Physical Sciences NeurIPS Workshop | Poster(PNG) | Paper(PDF) |
2022-11-30 | D. Lawrence | DOE NP PI Exchange Meeting | Slides | |
2022-07-29 | D. McSpadden | Sandia MLDL workshop | Slides | none |
2022-05-19 | T. Jeske | SRO X | none | |
2022-01-10 | N. Jarvis | FAIR Meeting | ![]() |
none |
2021-12-01 | T. Jeske | ACAT2021 | (PDF PPTX) | still waiting |
2021-11-30 | D. Lawrence | DOE Nuclear Physics PI Exchange Meeting | (slides) | none |
2021-11-17 | N. Jarvis | GlueX Production & Analysis Meeting | (slides) | none |
2021-11-05 | T. Britton | Canisius College Seminar | PDF) | none |
2021-10-07 | N. Jarvis | IOP NPG Colloquium | (slides) | none |
2021-09-09 | T. Jeske | AI4EIC Workshop | (slides | arXiv |
2021-07-26 | T. Jeske | JLab A.I. Town Hall | (slides) | none |
2021-06-30 | T. Jeske | GlueX Production & Analysis Meeting | (slides) | none |
- Capstone: slide deck, overleaf
- CDC NIM paper
- GlueX beamline & detector NIM paper
- Intro to GlueX - links to videos
- Poster on temperature studies w CDC prototype
- Getting started with GlueX software
- CDC calibrations and CCDB tables
- Calibration const database CCDB browser CCDB wiki on CLI
- Run conditions database RCDB browser example search query
- Quantifying the effect of bad gain calibration
- Scaling the old-alcohol GCFs for use with the new-alcohol data
- Time to distance calibration parameters, fitted vs P and P/T
- Data validation page for fall 2018 - see spreadsheet link
- Data validation page for fall 2019 - see spreadsheet links for batches of data
- Data validation page for CPP run 2022
- FCAL paper
FCAL (GlueX)
Location of Igal's LED code: /w/halld-scshelf2101/home/gxproj2/analysis/fcal-led
- Relative gain monitoring of the GlueX calorimeters
- NIM article (describes LED monitoring system
- FCAL page on GlueX Wiki
- Igal's introductory slides
wget https://halldweb.jlab.org/dist/ccdb.sqlite --no-check-certificate setenv CCDB_CONNECTION sqlite:///<path_to_ccdb.sqlite> setenv JANA_CALIB_URL $CCDB_CONNECTION ccdb -i (just to make sure that it's working)
CCDB table directory spreadsheet
Script to use a specific sqlite is in /work/halld/njarvis/usethisccdb.csh
Useful logbook entries
- HV tuning announcement
- Pressure calibration (uncalibrated mean is ~100 kPa)
- CDC relative gain from HV scan Primex Oct 2021 and HVB current vs HV
- CDC relative gain from HV scans 2018 & 2020
- gain consts summer 2020, 4 Sept 2020
- gain consts fall 2019, 10 Feb 2020
- gain consts fall 2018 fits 7 Jan 2020 (incl. the pink, blue and yellow dot plots)
- Tungsten foil added 19 April 2018
- occupancy plot connector map
- In fall 2019 ('2020' run period) the alcohol in the CDC gas was switched (from 1-propyl alcohol to 2-propyl alcohol (isopropanol).
- change in fitted gains between fall 18 and fall 19 '2020' runs
- plot from logentry comparing gains with new and old alcohol
- plot from logentry showing the gain increase after adding isopropanol to the gas mix
- correlations between temp swings and sharp pressure increases
Raw data files
/cache/halld/RunPeriod-2018-08/rawdata/Run051689/hd_rawdata_051689_001.evio fall 2018 production, 180nA, 100kPa
source /group/halld/Software/build_scripts/gluex_env_boot_jlab.csh hd_root /cache/halld/RunPeriod-2018-08/rawdata/Run051689/hd_rawdata_051689_001.evio -PPLUGINS=CDC_dedx,CDC_amp,CDC_TimeToDistance -PEVENTS_TO_KEEP=10000 -o outputfile.root
Monitoring launch root files
offline monitoring data validation page Root files at (eg) /work/halld/data_monitoring/RunPeriod-2019-11/mon_ver17/rootfiles/hd_root_072265.root
- Where's the documentation for this?
- For old data, use myStats -m history
- List of EPICS vars (Naomi's spreadsheet)
IBCAD00CRCUR6 Hall D beam current RESET:i:GasPanelBarPress1 atmospheric pressure uncalibrated GAS:i::CDC_Temps-CDC_D1_Temp thermocouples in CDC downstream plenum GAS:i::CDC_Temps-CDC_D2_Temp GAS:i::CDC_Temps-CDC_D3_Temp GAS:i::CDC_Temps-CDC_D4_Temp GAS:i::CDC_Temps-CDC_D5_Temp GAS:i::CDC_Temps-CDC_U1_Temp thermocouples in CDC upstream plenum GAS:i::CDC_Temps-CDC_U2_Temp GAS:i::CDC_Temps-CDC_U3_Temp GAS:i::CDC_Temps-CDC_U4_Temp GAS:i::CDC_Temps-CDC_U5_Temp CDC:hv:A:1:imon preamp current in HVB A1, innermost ring
many shown in HDRUN, eg https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3861759 They can be extracted from myStats on the counting house gluons, eg
myStats -b '2017-02-04 23:13:57' -e '2017-02-04 23:18:57' -l RESET:i:GasPanelBarPress1 -p 6
List of interesting runs
51689 (50 nA on amo) 51683 (50 nA on 47um diamond) 72630 (100nA on amo) 71350 (150nA on 47um diamond) 71464 (250nA on 47um diamond) 71500 (250nA on amo) 71592 (350nA on 47um diamond) 71695 (350nA on 47um diamond) 72660 (350nA on 47um diamond) 61793 (Primex, only 200nA but lots of partial tracks/junk hits & no field)
N.S. Jarvis, C.A. Meyer, B. Zihlmann, M. Staib, A. Austregesilo, F. Barbosa, C. Dickover, V. Razmyslovich, S. Taylor, Y. Van Haarlem, G. Visser, T. Whitlatch, The Central Drift Chamber for GlueX, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 962, 2020, 163727, ISSN 0168-9002, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2020.163727. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168900220302771)
S. Adhikari, C.S. Akondi, H. Al Ghoul, A. Ali, M. Amaryan, E.G. Anassontzis, A. Austregesilo, F. Barbosa, J. Barlow, A. Barnes, E. Barriga, R. Barsotti, T.D. Beattie, J. Benesch, V.V. Berdnikov, G. Biallas, T. Black, W. Boeglin, P. Brindza, W.J. Briscoe, T. Britton, J. Brock, W.K. Brooks, B.E. Cannon, C. Carlin, D.S. Carman, T. Carstens, N. Cao, O. Chernyshov, E. Chudakov, S. Cole, O. Cortes, W.D. Crahen, V. Crede, M.M. Dalton, T. Daniels, A. Deur, C. Dickover, S. Dobbs, A. Dolgolenko, R. Dotel, M. Dugger, R. Dzhygadlo, A. Dzierba, H. Egiyan, T. Erbora, A. Ernst, P. Eugenio, C. Fanelli, S. Fegan, A.M. Foda, J. Foote, J. Frye, S. Furletov, L. Gan, A. Gasparian, A. Gerasimov, N. Gevorgyan, C. Gleason, K. Goetzen, A. Goncalves, V.S. Goryachev, L. Guo, H. Hakobyan, A. Hamdi, J. Hardin, C.L. Henschel, G.M. Huber, C. Hutton, A. Hurley, P. Ioannou, D.G. Ireland, M.M. Ito, N.S. Jarvis, R.T. Jones, V. Kakoyan, S. Katsaganis, G. Kalicy, M. Kamel, C.D. Keith, F.J. Klein, R. Kliemt, D. Kolybaba, C. Kourkoumelis, S.T. Krueger, S. Kuleshov, I. Larin, D. Lawrence, J.P. Leckey, D.I. Lersch, B.D. Leverington, W.I. Levine, W. Li, B. Liu, K. Livingston, G.J. Lolos, V. Lyubovitskij, D. Mack, H. Marukyan, P.T. Mattione, V. Matveev, M. McCaughan, M. McCracken, W. McGinley, J. McIntyre, D. Meekins, R. Mendez, C.A. Meyer, R. Miskimen, R.E. Mitchell, F. Mokaya, K. Moriya, F. Nerling, L. Ng, H. Ni, A.I. Ostrovidov, Z. Papandreou, M. Patsyuk, C. Paudel, P. Pauli, R. Pedroni, L. Pentchev, K.J. Peters, W. Phelps, J. Pierce, E. Pooser, V. Popov, B. Pratt, Y. Qiang, N. Qin, V. Razmyslovich, J. Reinhold, B.G. Ritchie, J. Ritman, L. Robison, D. Romanov, C. Romero, C. Salgado, N. Sandoval, T. Satogata, A.M. Schertz, S. Schadmand, A. Schick, R.A. Schumacher, C. Schwarz, J. Schwiening, A.Yu. Semenov, I.A. Semenova, K.K. Seth, X. Shen, M.R. Shepherd, E.S. Smith, D.I. Sober, A. Somov, S. Somov, O. Soto, N. Sparks, M.J. Staib, C. Stanislav, J.R. Stevens, J. Stewart, I.I. Strakovsky, B.C. L. Sumner, K. Suresh, V.V. Tarasov, S. Taylor, L.A. Teigrob, A. Teymurazyan, A. Thiel, I. Tolstukhin, A. Tomaradze, A. Toro, A. Tsaris, Y. Van Haarlem, G. Vasileiadis, I. Vega, G. Visser, G. Voulgaris, N.K. Walford, D. Werthmüller, T. Whitlatch, N. Wickramaarachchi, M. Williams, E. Wolin, T. Xiao, Y. Yang, J. Zarling, Z. Zhang, Q. Zhou, X. Zhou, B. Zihlmann,
The GlueX beamline and detector,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,
Volume 987,
ISSN 0168-9002,
M.D. Mestayer, K. Adhikari, R.P. Bennett, S. Bueltmann, T. Chetry, S.B. Christo, M. Cook, R.C. Cuevas, G.E. Dodge, L. El Fassi, T.A. Forest, G. Jacobs, T. Hartlove, T.B. Hayward, L. Kabir, S.E. Kuhn, D. McNulty, S. Nanda, J. Newton, W.M. Taylor, L.B. Weinstein, V. Ziegler,
The CLAS12 drift chamber system,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,
Volume 959,
ISSN 0168-9002,