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This is information related to beam tests done in support of the TriDAS/JANA2/ERSAP SRO tests in Spring 2023 in Hall-D.


The goal of this test is to read out a small matrix of scintillator bars using VTP modules in Streaming ReadOut (SRO) mode. The bars have dimensions 2x2x20 cm and are side by side and closely packed (no space between them). The matrix will be positioned so the long dimension will be aligned with the beam direction. Cosmic rays will therefore be largely perpendicular to that.

The initial phase will focus on a 3x3 matrix while a 5x5 matrix will be used for the beam test. The beam test will take place in March, but development using cosmic rays will occur in the months leading up to that.


Timetable of Activities

Activity start date end date responsible
step 1: Build existing software against current TriDAS and JANA2 2/6 2/8 EPSCI (David)
step 2: Run TriDAS w/ JANA2 for 3x3 prototype in Hall-B CH 2/9 2/14 INFN(Stefano, Carmello), Sergey B., EPSCI(David, Nathan, Cissie)
step 3: Install 5x5 calorimeter in Hall-D 2/14 2/27 INFN
step 4: Run TriDAS w/ JANA2 for 5x5 prototype using cosmic and beam triggers 2/27 3/5 INFN(Stefano, Carmello), Sergey B., EPSCI(David, Nathan, Cissie)
step 5: Integrate AI-based real-time processing via JANA2 plugin 3/6 3/13 Cristiano, Cissie
step 6: TriDAS -> ERSAP -> JANA2 stack processing 3/13 3/15 INFN(Stefano, Carmello), Sergey B., EPSCI(Vardan, Carl, David)
step 7: Collect final data 3/15 3/20

EPSCI SRO Beam test priority Schedule
Capability Focus start date end date
JANA2 plugins - TriDAS 2/6 2/10
JANA2 plugins - CDAQ 2/13 2/17
CDAQ + JANA2 2/20 2/24
TriDAS + JANA2 2/27 3/3
ERSAP + TriDAS 3/6 3/10
ERSAP + CDAQ 3/13 3/17
Accelerator Down 3/20

Project Phases

Phase 1: mid-Feb.

  • Cosmic rays (3x3)
  • VTP readout with TriDAS
  • JANA2 Cosmic Ray trigger

Phase 2: end-Feb.

  • Cosmic rays (5x5)
  • VTP readout with TriDAS
  • JANA2 Cosmic Ray trigger

Phase 3: mid-Mar.

  • Beam Test (5x5)
  • VTP readout with TriDAS
  • JANA2 Beam trigger and Cosmic Ray trigger

Phase 4: end-Mar.

  • Beam Test (5x5)
  • VTP readout with ERSAP (+ TriDAS?)
  • ERSAP iterface to JANA2
  • JANA2 Beam trigger and Cosmic Ray trigger


Work is being done using the streamdaq account on clondaq5. Software versions specific to this test can be set up in the environment like this:

  source /usr/clas12/streaming/work/2022.12.15.JANA2_TriDAS/

Some software built specifically for this test can be found in the /usr/clas12/streaming/work/2022.12.15.JANA2_TriDAS directory. Not all of it is placed there though.

Some notes describing how these pieces fit together from 2020 when this was first set up can be seen here:


  • 9.3.1 (from dev-toolset-9)
  • C++17 standard


This is the TriDAS source and is checked out on the latest master.

  • /usr/clas12/streaming/work/2022.12.15.JANA2_TriDAS/tridas-core


This is the TriDAS plugin that interfaces to JANA2. TriDAS will load this plugin and, in turn, this will instantiate a JANA2 JApplication that will then load all of the JANA2 plugins. It is responsible for interfacing TriDAS and JANA2.

  • /usr/clas12/streaming/work/2022.12.15.JANA2_TriDAS/jtridas


This has a number of things specific to this project, but mainly houses the JANA2 plugins. Configuration files for using the cmake build system have been added for this test. The older scons scripts are still there, but moving forward, cmake will be the preferred build system. This is primarily due to cmake being much more prevalent now and interfacing better with modern IDEs.

  • /usr/clas12/streaming/work/2022.12.15.JANA2_TriDAS/streamingReco


ROOT was built specifically for this test using the above compiler and C++ standard

  • /usr/clas12/streaming/work/2022.12.15.JANA2_TriDAS/root-6.26.04


CCDB is header only for C++. The latest master from github is checked out here. This probably corresponds to v1.06.09 since that is the latest tagged version in the repository.

  • /usr/clas12/streaming/work/2022.12.15.JANA2_TriDAS/CCDB


The latest tagged version of JANA2 v2.0.8 was built for this test. Note that the install directory is given below, but the full source can be found one directory up.

  • /usr/clas12/streaming/JANA2-v2.0.8/install


VSCode is an IDE for software development. A version was installed here in case it is useful. The script above will setup an alias to it so you only need to type "code" to start it up. Using VSCode is not required, but may help in some cases.

  • /usr/clas12/streaming/work/2022.12.15.JANA2_TriDAS/VSCode-linux-x64
  • Important directories
    • /usr/clas12/streaming/work/2022.12.15.JANA2_TriDAS

Useful links