Jupyter via VSCode remote-ssh with singularity on ifarm

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Here are instructions for configuring your local VSCode to connect to

 # This comes from the JLab knowledge base article here:
 # https://jlab.servicenowservices.com/kb?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0014918&sys_kb_id=862c54221bf0d510a552ed3ce54bcb1a&spa=1 
 Host ifarm ifarm???? qcdi qcdi????
 Hostname %h.jlab.org.
 Host *.jlab.org
 Hostname %h.
 Match host scilogin.jlab.org.,scilogin?.jlab.org.,login.jlab.org.,login?.jlab.org.,acclogin.jlab.org.,acclogin?.jlab.org.,hallgw.jlab.org.,hallgw?.jlab.org.
 ProxyJump none
 Match host *.jlab.org.
 ProxyJump scilogin.jlab.org.
 User davidl
 Match host *.jlab.org.
 ControlMaster auto
 ControlPath ~/.ssh/cm/%C.sock
 ControlPersist 10m

Test that this works by doing "ssh ifarm". See the knowledge base article for details and troubleshooting.

Using work directories for large software installations

It is easy to overfill the quota on your CUE home directory by having VScode extension and python environments install lots of packages. Redirecting these to the work disk can save a lot of headache. There are a

In VSCode

  1. Open the command palette using Cmd+shift+P or from the gear menu in the bottom left of the window
  2. Type "settings.json" and then select Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON)
  3. Add the following to your settings (if you have other settings already, you may need to add a comma to the line before this one!):
 "remote.SSH.enableRemoteCommand": true

 # https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-remote-release/issues/3066#issuecomment-1019500216
 Host epsci-ubuntu-22.04~ifarm
   HostName ifarm.jlab.org
   ProxyJump scilogin.jlab.org
   RemoteCommand singularity shell --bind /w,/work /cvmfs/oasis.opensciencegrid.org/jlab/epsci/singularity/images/epsci-ubuntu-22.04.img
   RequestTTY yes

Test by logging in from command line first with the following. Note that you will need to enter your 2-factor PIN+OTP when prompted:

 ssh epsci-ubuntu-22.04~ifarm

Click on the "Remote Explorer" extension icon on the left side of the window (monitor with a circle in lower left) to open. You should see the "epsci-ubuntu-22.04~ifarm" item. Hover over it to see options to either connect the current window (arrow) or open a new window (box). Choose whichever you want to get a connected window. It will automatically install some extensions on the remote host under ~/.vscode-server.