AI Optimized Polarization

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Raw data storage

  • Photon Source: /work/halld3/home/AIOP/source/
  • Target: /work/halld3/home/AIOP/target/


Date Presenter Event Slides Proceedings

Experimental Data Locations

Run Group C, 2022-23

  • /group/poltar/HallB/RGC
    • Proton data in directory data-p
    • Deuteron data in directory data-d

SANE, 2009

  • /group/poltar/HallC/SANE
    • all_data.csv contains NMR system meta-data
    • epics_export.txt contains EPICS meta-data
    • events folder contains online data with raw NMR signals
    • Several ipynb files give examples of reading the above files

EG4, 2006

  • /group/poltar/HallB/EG4/eg4_nmr_clean
    • Data is in binary format. I'll provide a script to convert to text.




  • HUGS
    • Timetable (see talks by Britton, Gavalian/Jeske, and Lersch)
  • [Middle School Data Science event]


Title/Link Type Notes
The Stonehenge Technique. A new method for aligning coherent bremsstrahlung radiators (NIM, arXiv) Paper
Coherent Bremsstrahlun of Electrons in Crystals(GlueX DocDB) Paper
Development of Novel Attention-Aware Deep Learning Models and Their Applications in Computer Vision and Dynamical System Calibration Thesis