Deploy ERSAP data pipelines at NERSC and ORNL via JIRIAF

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Step-by-Step Guide: Using slurm-nersc-ornl Helm Charts


  • Helm 3 installed
  • Kubernetes cluster access
  • kubectl configured

Overview Flow Chart

The following flow chart provides a high-level overview of the process for using the slurm-nersc-ornl Helm charts:


This chart illustrates the main steps involved in deploying and managing jobs using the slurm-nersc-ornl Helm charts, from initial setup through job submission.

Step 1: Setup Environment

Clone the repository and navigate to the `slurm-nersc-ornl` folder:

   git clone
   cd jiriaf-test-platform/main/slurm-nersc-ornl

Step 2: Customize the Deployment

  1. Open `job/values.yaml`
  2. Edit key settings, focusing on port configuration:
   ersap-exporter-port (base): 20000
   ├─ process-exporter: base + 1 = 20001
   ├─ ejfat-exporter:   base + 2 = 20002
   ├─ jrm-exporter:     10000 (exception)
   └─ ersap-queue:      base + 3 = 20003
  This structure allows easy scaling and management of port assignments.

Step 3: Deploy Prometheus (If not already running)

  1. Refer to `main/prom/` for detailed instructions on installing and configuring Prometheus.
  2. Check if a Prometheus instance is already running for your project:
helm ls | grep "$ID-prom"

If this command returns no results, it means there's no Prometheus instance for your project ID.

  1. If needed, install a new Prometheus instance for your project:
cd main/prom
helm install $ID-prom prom/ --set$ID
  1. Verify the Prometheus deployment before proceeding to the next step.

Step 4: Launch a Job

Use the `` script:

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Navigate to the chart directory
  3. Run:
   ./ jlab-100g-nersc-ornl 0 perlmutter 20000 10000

Custom Port Configuration (if needed):

  1. Edit ``
  2. Replace port calculations with desired numbers:
  1. Save and run the script as described above

Step 4: Submit Batch Jobs (Optional)

For multiple jobs:

  1. Use ``:
  1. Script parameters:
  * `ID`: Base job identifier (default: "jlab-100g-nersc-ornl")
  * `SITE`: Deployment site ("perlmutter" or "ornl", default: "perlmutter")
  * `ERSAP_EXPORTER_PORT_BASE`: Base ERSAP exporter port (default: 20000)
  * `JRM_EXPORTER_PORT_BASE`: Base JRM exporter port (default: 10000)
  * `TOTAL_NUMBER`: Total jobs to submit (passed as argument)

Note: Ensure port compatibility with JRM deployments. Check the JIRIAF Fireworks repository for details on port management.

Understand Key Templates

Familiarize yourself with:

  • `job-job.yaml`: Defines Kubernetes Job
  • `job-configmap.yaml`: Contains job container scripts
  • `job-service.yaml`: Exposes job as Kubernetes Service
  • `prom-servicemonitor.yaml`: Sets up Prometheus monitoring

Site-Specific Configurations

The charts support Perlmutter and ORNL sites. Check `job-configmap.yaml`:

    {{- if eq "perlmutter" }}
        shifter --image=gurjyan/ersap:v0.1 -- /ersap/
    {{- else }}
        export PR_HOST=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $2}')
        apptainer run ~/ersap_v0.1.sif -- /ersap/
    {{- end }}


The charts set up Prometheus monitoring. The [`prom-servicemonitor.yaml`](main/slurm-nersc-ornl/job/templates/prom-servicemonitor.yaml) file defines how Prometheus should scrape metrics from your jobs.

Check and Delete Deployed Jobs

To check the jobs that are deployed, use:

helm ls

To delete a deployed job, use:

helm uninstall $ID-job-$SITE-<number>

Replace `$ID-job-$SITE-<number>` with the name used during installation (e.g., `$ID-job-$SITE-<number>`).


  • Check pod status: `kubectl get pods`
  • View pod logs: `kubectl logs <pod-name>`
  • Describe a pod: `kubectl describe pod <pod-name>`

This documentation provides a high-level overview of how to use and customize the Helm charts in the slurm-nersc-ornl folder. For more detailed information about specific components, refer to the individual files linked in this document.