
From JLAB Tritium Target
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Tritium hazard awareness training

Anyone accessing Hall A while the tritium target is installed is required to take the Tritium Target Hazard Awareness Training. This training is a brief introduction to general tritium hazards and more detailed description of the Hall A Tritium Target with instructions on what to do if and when an alarm is activated. The Tritium training can be found at the link below:


  • The normal training required for access to Hall A is still required.
  • The CANS system is activated when the tritium target is installed. Personnel without the required training will be denied access by the CANS system. It does take some time to update the CANS database after the training has been taken.

Tritium Target Operator Training

To become a tritium target operator you must first be a fully trained (including the practical session) Hall A/C Cryogenic Target Operator. The controls for both the A/C targets and the tritium target are very similar. To become a tritium target operator, the prospective operator must read and understand the operating procedure/manual given at the link below:

The prospective operator must also sit for a short time with a fully trained tritium target operator to go over the training slides/talk which are given at the link below:

Once these steps have been completed, please email the Tritium Program Manager (David Meekins) indicating that you have read and understand the operating procedure TGT-PROC-17-010 and which trained operator you have gone over the slides with.