KLF beamline meeting - June 14, 2024

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  • Announcements
  • Progress of CPS design (Pavel, Tim)
  • Updates on Flux Monitor (Mikhail)
  • Recommendation #5 from ERR-1 (Tim)
    Statement regarding thermal cycling of the targets receiving >1 KW power.
  • Any other business


Present: Tim, Hovanes, Eugene, Vitaly, Mikhail, Igor, Moskov, Richard, Edy, Chris, Pavel

  • Hovanes announced that there will not be CEBAF beam until sometime in January 2025, according to Stuart Henderson's announcement at JLUO meeting and an e-mail from Eugene.

  • Edy showed a presentation of the status of optics and beam diagnostics.
  • Most recent position of the CPS radiator was 33cm shifted to what was used in the previous optics calculations which made things easier for Edy.
  • Accelerator people are evaluating the possibility of moving the tagger dump girder in front of CPS. The girder will contain BPMs, BCM, viwere and a harp. This work needs to be coordinated with Tim and should be scheduled to be consistent with Tim's schedule.
  • Focusing of the CPS beam will used the quadrupole magnet after the goniometer/radiator. Therefore, it is not clear what will be used to measure the convergence of the beam at KPT. We may need to think where we will have harps to measure the convergence. Richard pointed out that this quad magnet never been designed to provide large gradients, so it would be good to evaluate if this magnet can be used as is.
  • Tim asked if BPMs will be in FSD. Hovanes said that Jay told us during a meeting a while ago that BPMs cannot be used for FSD. Therefore, a different scheme is being devised to be able to trip FSD for over 1mm beam excursions.

  • Tim and Pavel reported on the status of CPS design. Iterations are being done as the model evolves.
  • The shielding of the magnet is currently being optimized. The current model assumes pure copper as shielding inside of the model instead of copper-tungsten mix since we have factor of 100 lower accumulated dose estimate than the allowable dose for the insulation of the coils.
  • Air caster technology was demonstrated in Hall D on Thursday by a vendor with 2.5 ton load. It worked well.
  • Magnet drawings are being finalized. Still on path for submitting PR for the magnet this year.
  • Per request from Moskov, Tim described the sequence of the installation tasks using four technicians.

  • Paperwork is being worked on by York and Upsala for tracker shipment. They need to decouple the tracker paperwork from a helium liquifier paperwork not needed for KLF.
  • The plan is to start packing in August.
  • Eugene said that JLAB is looking into options for tacker readout (1K channels). Using the electronics from COSY/WASA is pretty much excluded. This means that the TOF part of KFM will use JLAB style DAQ and trigger.

  • Moskov pointed out that Eduard Pozdeev said during JLUO meeting that KLF vs Moeller tests will be done in FY25.
  • Eugene said that switching between 64ns and 128 ns during the experiment mighth not be possible due to hardware limitations. Edy will clarify by talking o the injector experts.

  • Tim is working on the ERR-1 report for Partizia taking into account the brazing design for the cooling tubes for the CPS absorber. He does not expect problems, but it needs to be worked out.

  • Next meeting will be in two weeks.