Nov 15 2017

From LCLS-II testing
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Weekly Reporting

WBS 1.01.07 JLAB Management

Week of November 9 - 15, 2017


Need SLAC to ship SSAs, they need BCR

Accomplishments this week:

Second design review of cryo can has been done – hope is to have bid package out before Christmas.

Notes are at:

Safety Assessment document is still in progress

Waveguide bid is back, we shaved off a few components – found parts in trailer & reuse more pieces for savings of ~$50k, award later this week.

3/8” Heliax order of 6,000’ is out for bid

7/8” Heliax for TLM is ordered

Waiting on personnel to do cryomodule shuffle

Continued work on WIKI site for documentation:

Kevin visited Fermilab

Upcoming Activities:

Complete Safety Assessment document

Remove girders and two cryomodules – shuffle the third to the zone 2 position