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  • Discuss status of Omega , Eta and pKK g12 analysis.
  • Plans for studies of the use of Linear Polarization in PWA.
  • AOB

Minutes People: Carlos, Diane, Will, Paul, Simon, Olga, Igor


  • fixing comparison with Igor’s theory
    • talked to Adam
    • correct model for acceptance
    • Carlos wants to correct data and compare to data
  • using Q factor to correct for bg
  • g12 - unpolarized
    • < 3.6 GeV FSU
    • > 3.6 GeV Carlos
  • g13
    • Olga - polarized data, circular (2.6 GeV beam) and linear (80% pol in coherent peak), unpolarized target, Deuteron
    • goal to find spin density matrix
    • problems with fermi motion
  • Brian Vernarsky - https://www.jlab.org/Hall-B/general/thesis/Vernarsky_thesis.pdf
  • compare normal PWA production factors to Igor’s calculated f
    • instead of comparing Dalitz plot
    • appendix to clas12 proposal uses Adam’s generator (PR12-11-005)
  • test pyPWA
    • using real data from Hall D
      • channels?
        • p rho (tons of data already)
        • n 3pi
        • eta pi
        • p 3pi
      • use Metropolis method, weigh MC
        • efficiency, speed?


  • Diane
    • finishing theory paper
    • need g12 note done and accepted by collaboration to finish eta -> 3pi analysis
    • going to work with Hall D JEF group with new amplitudes


  • Carlos & Diane
    • pKK PWA
  • FIU
    • apply JPAC amplitudes to pK PWA (as of JPAC workshop update)
  • Hall D
    • baryon and meson overlap

pyPWA update

  • documentation in progress and optimizing
  • on JLab github