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[[https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/HV_HowTo_for_Experts HV for experts]]
[[https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/HV_HowTo_for_Experts HV for experts]]
== HRS HV alarm ==
If you hear about Left/Right HV alarm (either Red flashing rectangular box on screen .OR. Voice),
please look at either LeftHRS or RightHRS HV GUI which are running on  "adaqsc"
** make sure "beepServer" is running on hapc3...If you are not sure run "/home/adaq/beep/start_beepserver"
Alarm Detail
<b>hapc3.jlab.org</b> (which has HV GUI screen here !, username:adaq, passwd: same as adaq1)
/home/adaq/beep/ -> LeftHRS_HV_Alarm.wav
<b>adev@adaq1.jlab.org</b> (username:adaq, passwd: NOT same as adaq1: gev instead daq)
/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvtools -. VoiceAlarm.java
"ssh adaq@hapc3 /usr/bin/play /home/adaq/beep/call_alarm3"
==Links to more HV help==
==Links to more HV help==
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or contact to Kijun Park <mailto:parkkj@jlab.org>
or contact to Jason Bane <mailto:jbane@jlab.org>

Revision as of 15:55, 6 December 2017

High Voltage controls

LHRS/RHRS : High Voltage controls

How to start the HV gui!

Login as "aslow" on the "adaqsc" computer.

cd slowc/

To run the Left HRS alone: ./hvs LEFT

To run the Right HRS alone: ./hvs RIGHT

To run the beamline (Compton) crate: ./hvs BEAMLINE

If a alarm is triggered for the HV system.

  • Try to reset the channel that has tripped
  • If this does not turn the alarm off, call expert on cal.

[HV instructions for users]

[HV for experts]

Links to more HV help

These two links provide some old but useful information.


For experts


or contact to Jason Bane <mailto:jbane@jlab.org>