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Start CODA

Open a terminal and type startcoda.

The runcontrol window will appear: File:Startcoda.png

Hit the "Connect" button, then "Configure" (choose a configuration e.g. LeftHrs), and "Start Run", or, to troubleshoot, "Download", "Prestart", and "Go".

Starting CODA From Scratch

You do not need to do this routinely - only if you are starting from a fresh login or after a computer crash. Log in a a-onl account on adaql2 ( check with Run Coordinator in case you don't know the password )

(Contact: Bob Michaels)

Power cycling Fastbus crates

Right HRS only : go in Tools screen -> Crate Resets -> Lower Fastbus AC

This will power cycle all 3 ROCs of the fastbus

Same for Left HRS but it will get stuck off. To get the Fastbus back on login into hareboot2 from an accelerator account or hlal00 and power cycle iocha4 which is on port 1

Reboot crates

On one workspace you will see six xterms with names of the crates in the title, e.g. "ROC4--hallasfi4--hatsv40-port6". From each of the six xterms, you should telnet into the appropriate RS232 interface, e.g. for the above, "telnet hatsv40 2006" (if the prompt in the xterm is "->", it is already connected). The "hallasfi4" is the internet name of the crate's cpu.

If the xterms are missing, type "setupxterms".

From these xterms, you reboot by typing "ctrl-X". Yes, you hold down the Ctrl key, then hit X. You can also type reboot but "ctrl-X" is better. You can also reboot from the crate resets GUI on HA Tools.

To power cycle the DVCS crates, type crateOff in a terminal in logged as a-onl and after crateON to turn both ROC17 and ROC18 back on.

For full details about the Hall A DAQ (including reboot procedures) see This or This

If you have trouble downloading to ROC31

If ROC31 (or one of the other Intel CPU crates) gives errors in the "Configure" or "Download" steps, first try the following:

  1. In RunControl, select the "Release Components" option under the "Platform" menu from the top menu bar.
  2. In a terminal on adaq1, run the command "killdvcsrocs"
  3. In a terminal on adaq1, run the command "dvcsrocs". Terminal windows for ROCs 27-31 should appear.
  4. Select the "Configurations/Cool" menu, and select the proper run type (as of 22Oct2016, it should be LHRSBuf).
  5. Now try to configure and download.
  6. If it fails to configure or download again, try this once again, but do "kcoda" and "startcoda" instead of the "killdvcsrocs" and "dvcsrocs".
  7. If still fails, try rebooting ROC31 as described below and call P.King (number on whiteboard).
    Note that if you reboot ROC31, the EDTM system will need to be restarted.

--a remote power switch is installed on DVCS rack mostly for the trigger and VME trigger crate

port assignement can be found at https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3304858

Port Device
1 trigger crate
2 trigger
3 nim crate1
6 portserver
7 network switch
8 Fan

You can telnet or use a web browser to access hareboot30 ( make sure proxy is off if you use a web browser )

Setting prescale factor for the HRS only (updated 11/03)

   For Left HRS:
 *   log in as adaq on adaq1 machine
 *   type "prescaleL &" to open the GUI
 *   set the desired prescale factors and click "Save" and Exit 
   For Right HRS:
 *   log in as "adaq" on "adaq2" machine
 *   type "prescaleR &" to open the GUI
 *   set the desired prescale factors and click "Save" and Exit 
   Definition of triggers:(Proposed for Argon- 02/07/17)
       T1 = L-arm s0 && s2 && Shower
       T2 = L-arm (s0 || s2) && (Cherenov||Shower)
       T3 = R-arm s0 && s2 
       T4 = R-arm (s0 || s2) && !(Cherenov||Shower)
       T5 = T1 && T3
       T6 = T2 && T4
       T7 = L-arm EDTM trigger
       T8 = 103.7 kHz pulser (for LHRS), 1.024 kHz (for RHRS)
       T9 = 

Starting xscaler (HRS) and checking raw trigger rates (updated nov 5, 2014)

Raw rates of trigger and detector channels can be accessed using a GUI. Below are the instructions for opening "xscaler" GUI

  • These screens are generally already open on the agen5 machine (above the DAQ machine)
  • If it is xscaler is not open then follow these instructions:
    • login as a-onl on adaq1 or adaq2 machines (eg: "ssh a-onl@adaq1" )
    • passwords are written on the white board
    • type "goxscaler" and follow the instructions printed on the screen
    • type "./xscaler Left" or "./xscaler Right" to access xscaler display

How to download and check the LHRS MLU trigger (updated 11/05)

Consult the MLU information of the main Hall A wiki page.

=== How to check the dead time === //////////////Not correct!!!. last update 12/2/14
"Needs to be updated" There are two ways to check for deadtime:

  • online using the XScaler tool.
    • See above for instructions on how-to open the Xscaler.
    • Select the "misc" tab.
    • the ratio (DVCS_stop/DVCS_masterOR) is a measurement of the live time for our main trigger.
  • offline. This solution allows to check deadtime for individual triggers (say DIS or DVCS, ...)

After you replay the run, ssh to aonl1, aonl2, aonl3 or aonl4 machine and:

> godvcs
> cd marco/deadtime/
> analyzer
> .L deadtime.C
> deadtime(NNNNN)