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High Voltage controls (updated: 03/15, K.Park)
LHRS/RHRS : High Voltage controls
Login as "adev" on the "adaql1" or "adaql2" computers. (since I have added voice alarm for LEFT, RIGHT HRS and Compton HV, please note that command is different !)
cd ~adev/slowc
To run the Left HRS alone: ./hvsL LEFT
To run the Right HRS alone: ./hvsR RIGHT
To run the beamline (Compton) crate: ./hvsC BEAMLINE
The following instructions can be used for running the GUI using the vnc server [How to open high voltage GUI]. This is not how we want to run routinely.
If you start HV-GUI but get error "initialization" In this case, >login: a-onl@aonl2 > ps -ef | grep -i hvs (make sure you are not Killing HRS HV ~!!) > kill -9 PROCESS# > cd ~/slowc/ > .hvs DVCS