Run Meeting: April 16th, 2018
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4:00PM Run Meeting, Counting house meeting room (200C)
RC: Florian Hauenstein
Friday - Sunday, 8:00: Data taking finished on "fast" kinematics. About 450 good e'p events for both targets, tritium and He3, in addition to data on deuterium and dummy Sunday: 8:00: Move LHRS to 17.8 degrees
8:00 - 13:00: Collect elastic hydrogen data for momentum calibration and a little bit other data on tritium and He3 (around miss = 0)
13:00 -15:00: Move of RHRS and LHRS to "slow" kinematics in coincidence with a longer beam down time (great no effective beam loss!)
After getting beam back at around 17:00: Starting data taking with first set of 500mC charge on tritium done and about 220mC on He3 done. Aim is to collect about 6.6C on each target.
Monday: Hall in controlled access for walkthrough and detector checklist.
Evening: BCM calibration if beam is stable.
Tomorrow Day: RF recovery and another walkthrough at around 11:30a.m.
Shujie: tritium runlist webpage
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