HypWork2023 JLab 2023

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Hypernuclear Physics Workshop at JLab 2023



March 3rd, 2023


On-site + online hybrid (Zoom):

  • Room F324-325, CEBAF Center, JLab
    (12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606, US)
  • Zoom: xxxxx


  1. Hypernuclear Research at JLab and Other Facilities
    Research at JLab (US), J-PARC (Japan), MAMI (Germany), etc.
    Special Theory Seminar
  2. Next Hypernuclear Experiment at JLab (Hall C)
    E12-15-008 (40,48ΛK)
    E12-19-002 (3,4ΛH)
    E12-20-013 (208ΛTl)

Time table

Time table (Mar 3, 2023)
Time (JST) Time (EST) Speaker Talk title File Chair
1. Hypernuclear Research at JLab and Other Facilities J. Reinhold
22:50-23:00 08:50-09:00 J. Reinhold (FIU) Opening
23:00-23:40 09:00-09:40 S.N. Nakamura (U. Tokyo) Strangeness nuclear physics in the world and significance of research project at JLab PDF
23:40-00:00 09:40-10:00 L. Tang (JLab / Hampton Univ.) Hypernuclear physics history and some results (JLab Hall C) PDF
00:00-00:20 10:00-10:20 G. Urciuoli (INFN) Hypernuclear physics history and some results (JLab Hall A) PDF
00:20-00:40 10:20-10:40 T. Gogami (Kyoto Univ.) Challenge to investigate the baryon interaction of multi-strangeness sector at J-PARC PDF
00:40-01:00 10:40-11:00 Coffee Break T. Gogami
01:00-02:00 11:00-12:00 M. Isaka (Housei Univ.) Special Theory Seiminar
"... title will be shown soon ..."
02:00-04:00 12:00-14:00 Lunch S.N. Nakamura
04:00-04:20 14:00-14:20 S. Nagao (U. Tokyo) Hypernuclear decay pion spectroscopy at MAMI, Germany PDF
2. Next Hypernuclear Experiment at JLab
04:20-04:40 14:20-14:40 F. Garibaldi (INFN) The first precise spectroscopy of heavy hypernuclei at JLab (JLab E12-20-013) PDF
04:40-05:00 14:40-15:00 T. Ishige (Tohoku Univ.) Geant4 MC simulation for the next JLab hypernuclear project PDF
05:00-05:20 15:20-15:20 Coffee Break P. Markowitz
05:20-05:40 15:20-15:40 M. Jones (JLab) JLab status + possible plan (update) PDF
05:40-06:00 15:40-16:00 D. Meekins (JLab) Target design and status PDF
06:00-06:20 16:00-16:20 A. Camsonne (JLab) DAQ system PDF
06:20-07:00 16:20-17:00 Discussion + Summary


  • T. Gogami (gogami_at_jlab.org / gogami.toshiyuki.4a_at_kyoto-u.ac.jp)