Uploads by Ccotton

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
15:02, 28 July 2023 Targets.ods (file) 47 KB   1
10:43, 28 July 2023 He3 EOS.pdf (file) 8.01 MB   1
15:14, 26 July 2023 Target assays.pdf (file) 637 KB   1
15:14, 26 July 2023 Li notes.pdf (file) 383 KB   1
15:13, 26 July 2023 Thorium Target(s).pdf (file) 420 KB   1
15:13, 26 July 2023 Th assay.jpg (file) 100 KB   1
15:13, 26 July 2023 Hall C. Dummy Targets.pdf (file) 427 KB   1
15:12, 26 July 2023 Al7075 report.pdf (file) 26 KB   1
15:12, 26 July 2023 Boron notes.pdf (file) 490 KB   1
15:12, 26 July 2023 Target notes.pdf (file) 812 KB   1
15:12, 26 July 2023 Fe54 assay.pdf (file) 25 KB   1
15:11, 26 July 2023 Ca40 assay.pdf (file) 25 KB   1
15:11, 26 July 2023 Be Assay.pdf (file) 102 KB   1
15:11, 26 July 2023 B11 assay.pdf (file) 192 KB   1
15:11, 26 July 2023 B10 assay.pdf (file) 192 KB   1
15:10, 26 July 2023 Al Ti assay.pdf (file) 212 KB   1
15:10, 26 July 2023 Ca48 notes.pdf (file) 448 KB   1
14:11, 26 July 2023 TGT-CALC-22-035.pdf (file) 331 KB Target Physical Quantities 1
14:13, 25 July 2023 10.1515 pac-2019-0603.pdf (file) 2.6 MB Standard Atomic Weights 1
12:08, 25 July 2023 RevModPhys.46.815.pdf (file) 3.39 MB Radiation Length Table and Equation 1
10:38, 25 July 2023 TGT-RPT-22-005-Nov2022.pdf (file) 314 KB Target Ladder 2 Report 1
10:37, 25 July 2023 TGT-RPT-22-004-Sep2022.pdf (file) 312 KB Target Ladder 1 Report 1
11:58, 22 November 2021 NGCER Calib Samples.pdf (file) 708 KB Sample plots from NGCER Calibration for reference. 1
09:44, 27 September 2021 Wisewordsoncheranalysis.pdf (file) 2.06 MB A useful reference for the Cerenkov Analysis Procedure 1
09:42, 27 September 2021 HGC Calibration.pdf (file) 675 KB Reference for calibrating the Heavy Gas Cerenkov Detector. 1