Apr 18, 2023 - CIS Group Meeting

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  • You're doing a good job keeping safety training current => continue to be proactive, don't let it expire


SAD Gun Jobs

  • Joe - gun table alignment
  • Carlos - HV OSP, read for conditioning: Media:Gun HV conditioniong schedule SAD 2023 Rev02.pptx
  • Marcy - remaining vacuum tasks, harp done?, chopper valve/bake region
  • Steve - Hall A laser, LLRF gone early June
  • Max - ready for beam tests?
  • Riad - 200 kV Wien - 20 Amp PS, update on Moller tasks (IA, RPT, grounding), Keithley 485 picoameter
  • Shukui - install new amplifier for KL, test 499/32 setup, measure D pulse length, and laser size

Upcoming meetings/travel/presentations

  • May
  • 5-13, IPAC'23 contributions (Greg, Aziz, Andriy, Joe, Reza, Amy)
  • 15, 2023 CCM & IMEKO TC16 7th International Conference on Pressure and Vacuum Metrology (Marcy)
  • 15-19 LCWS (Andriy, Carlos)
  • Jun
  • USPAS (Max)
  • 5-9 APS DAMOP Meeting (Riad, Matt G.)
  • 28, JLab User Group e+ update (Joe)
  • Jul
  • Summer student PES talk (Riad)
  • Summer student e+ talk (Yves)
  • Aug
  • ?
  • Sep
  • IBIC (Max)