RTP Driver @ CEBAF Meeting February 12, 2019

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John's archive of laser table layouts
Overview and scope of work slides media:190212_RTP_Driver.pptx
Aaron, Omar, John, Roger, Caryn, Shukui, Joe

Additional Materials

Caryn's RTP driver schematics and pics media:190212_2ndRTPmtg.pptx
John's notes on Pockel's cells
This is a historical background on my history with HV switches for pockels cell here at CEBAF.  It shows what happened before 2007 and then a little about my discovery of the opto- HV switches and why they are useful for this system.  When I told the company about my use, they decided to offer the Opto-diodes in a stand-alone polished package for users like me.
John's schematics and text (these should be updated into engineering documentation for the new RTP driver)
Pockels Cell Dragon Driver 2018 media:pockels cell dragon driver 2018.pdf
SFH 4235 media:SFH 4235.pdf
PC Driver Board media:pcdriver board 2018.pdf
PC Driver Schematic media:pcdriver 2018 schematic.pdf
I have attached more information concerning the parts of this system that I designed.  It would have worked well if I had used a simple 1-shot at IC5C and IC5D instead of trying to play a delay trick with an inverter gate.  This is the section that is supposed to give the brief "high pulse" to the LED's. NOTE:  It was not mentioned before that these cells are not happy when you leave them at a DC high voltage for an extended period of time.  You can apply an AC or flipping DC for 10 years, but if you leave one at DC, it has an ion migration that darkens the cell.  For this reason, you will notice IC6, which turns off all LED's if the helicity rep rate falls below 5 Hz.