February 20, 2017 - Mott Group meeting

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Synchronize watches - summarize list of remaining tasks

Campaign #2 (Feb 2017)

Run Analysis
: Revise the analysis program to line up the elastic peaks of all detector, to more accurately calculate rates
: Modify the analysis program (or calculate by hand), the background  contribution to the good (green) events.  i.e., use the time of flight  plots Riad showed to integrate the blue events and green events, and  find ratio of blue to green events...  Since there are "only" 40 points,  let's abandon the analysis mods if it appears it will take too long....
: Evaluate rate uncertainty by testing (3 E-cuts by 3 T-cuts)
Electron Beam Run 1 media:JLAB-TN-17-xxx.pdf
: (done) - post JLab-TN-17-001 w/ final Run I/II energies/momenta and uncertainties
: (done) - correct Elegant model for spectrometer and Mott target
: (working) Position - using imageJ + old ELOG pics (Brian Freeman + recent calibration)
: (done) Emittance - fit Run I IHA0L03 to update and analyze w/ qsUtility 3-21
: (done) Energy spread - fit Run I IHA2D00 to compute spot size and calculate dp/p w/ Elegant
: (done) Spot Size - use emittance + dp/p + Elegant to compute spot size
: Analyze the systematic studies runs, assign sensitivities to each  parameter
: Final asym plots vs rate and thickness, with fits and chi squared  analysis.  Sure, include Michael's functional form, why not? media:AvT_RunI_Michaels.gif media:AvT_RunII_Michaels.gif
: Compute Sherman function (value/uncertainty) for Run I/II energies
: After all of the above are done, pursue your "prediction" studies,  e.g., how well does a fit predict a point if it were not in the data set?
Hardware Technical Note
: Riad - DAQ and detectors
: Joe - vacuum chamber and acceptance
: Marcy - target ladder
Future Mott list (for Discussion section)
: Operate at 5 MeV energy
: New collimators (kinetic vs momentum issue?)
: Better detectors?
: Thinner or thicker foils?

Campaign #1 (Jan 2017)

1) (DONE) Insert Riad's updated values for BCM GAIN and OFFSET into MottAnalysis.c
2) (DONE) Re-run the Run I/II analysis and update excel spreadsheet w/ new results
3) (DONE) Use *all* 1um runs to determine final rates w/ corrections if any, and uncertainties media:170111_Mott_Extrapolation.pptx
4) (DONE) Update spreadsheet to include rate corrections media:1.11.17_Run1Run2_ARC.ods media:1.11.17_Run1Run2_ARC.xls
5) (DONE) Distribute updated spreadsheet of thickness, rates, asymmetries 
6) (DONE) Fit-a-thon begins (Riad=Root, Marcy=Mathematica) applying Pade and Marty functions media:AoExtrapolation23Jan2017.pptx
7) (PAUSED) Status of background subtraction method  media:1.23.17_BackgroundSubtractionUpdate.pdf
1) (DONE) Group Run I/II run #'s into macros associated w/ systematic studies
2) (WORKING) Generate corresponding analysis macros and spreadsheets for macros
3) (DONE) Update Run I/II energy TN w/ Riad's final dipole value TN Link
4) (DONE) Use final energies and 0L03 harp scans to compute emittance at MQJ0L02
5) (WORKING) Use final emittance and 2D00 harp scans to compute energy spread at Mott target
6) (WORKING) Use final emittance and energy spread to compute spot size at Mott target
7) (WORKING) Use final energy to compute beam displacement at Mott target
8) Update spreadsheets w/ associated systematic variation (position, size, energy, spread)