Run Group B

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Shift Schedule

Shift Checklist

Hot Checkout

Beam Time Accounting



JLab Logbooks

RC schedule

  • Jan 26 - Feb 6: S. Niccolai
  • Feb 6 - Feb 13: Y. Ilieva
  • Feb 13 - Feb 20: S. Stepanyan
  • Feb 20 - Feb 27: F. Hauenstein
  • Feb 27 - Mar 6: S. Niccolai
  • Mar 6 to Mar 12: J. Gilfoyle
  • Mar 12 to Mar 19: V. Kubarowsky

Role Phone Number
Hall B Run Coordinator (757) 575-7540 (cell)
Hall B Physics Division Liaison (757) 876-1789 (cell)
MCC 7048
Crew Chief 7045
Crew Chief (757) 876-3367 (cell)
Program Deputy (757) 876-7997 (cell)
RadCon (757) 876-1743 (cell)
Gate House Guard 5822
Location Phone Number
Hall B Floor 5165
Hall B Space Frame 5170 and 5171
Hall B Forward Carriage 5371
Hall B Gas Shed 7115
Hall B Counting House 5244 (Shift Expert)
Hall B Counting House (757) 329-4846 (Shift Expert cell)
Hall B Counting House 5245 or 5126 (Shift Worker)
Hall A Counting House 5501
Hall C Counting House 6000
Hall D Counting House 5504
Hall B System Phone Number On-Call Person
Engineering (757) 748-5048 (cell)
(757) 897-9060 (cell)
Engineering On-Call (primary)
Denny Insley (secondary)
Slow Controls (757) 748-6922 (cell) Nathan Baltzell
Beamline (757) 303-3996 (cell) Eugene Pasyuk
DC (757) 218-4372 (cell)
(757) 748-5048 (cell)
Florian Hauenstein (primary)
Engineering On-Call (secondary)
SVT/MVT/MM (757) 541-7539 (cell)
(757) 753-7769 (cell)
Yuri Gotra (primary)
Rafo Paremuzyan (secondary)
ECAL (757) 810-1489 (cell) Cole Smith
FTOF/CTOF/CND (757) 344-7204 (cell) Daniel Carman
ALERT (757) 329-4844 (cell) Raphael Dupré
HTCC/LTCC (757) 344-7174 (cell) Youri Sharabian
FT (757) 344-1848 (cell) Raffaella De Vita
BAND (757) 310-7198 (cell) Florian Hauenstein
RICH (757) 344-3235 (cell)
(757) 748-6922 (cell)
Christopher Dilks (primary)
Nathan Baltzell (secondary)
DAQ (757) 232-6221 (cell) Sergey Boiarinov
HYDRA (317) 550-9226 (cell) Torri Jeske
Authorized Hall B Solenoid/Torus Operators
Hall B Denny Insley, Morgan Cook, Eugene Pasyuk
Magnet Group Probir Ghosha, Renuka Rajput-Ghoshal
Detector Support Group Brian Eng, Pablo Campero, Tyler Lemon
DC Power Onish Kumar, Sarin Philip
  • Note, all non-JLab numbers must be dialed with an area code. When calling from a counting-house landline, dial "9" first.
  • To call JLab phones from outside the lab, all 4-digit numbers must be preceded by 757-269
  • Click Here to edit Phone Numbers. Note, you then also have to edit the current page to force a refresh.

Click Here to edit Phone Numbers. Note, you then also have to edit this page to force a refresh.

CLAS12 Run Group B, spring 2019
Beam energy 10.6 GeV (5 pass)
Important: Document all your work in the logbook!
Remember to fill in the run list at the beginning and end of each run ( can fill the run list)

RC: Jerry Gilfoyle

PDL: Maurizio Ungaro

Run Plan: March. 9-11

  • The spin dance was successful (polarization is 88 +/- 1.5%, Wein angle = 60 deg).
  • Production running at 50 nA through the weekend.
  • Half-wave plate is IN. We will switch to OUT during next week.
  • Empty-target and low-luminosity runs early next week. See below for more details.

Of note: The schedule for next week included eight hours for beam studies and another eight hours for RF recovery. The beam studies have been dropped and the RF recovery will be limited.

DAQ config: PROD66

Trigger file: rgb_v9_1.trg

At the end of each run, follow the standard DAQ restart sequence "end run", "cancel", "reset", then if the run ended correctly, "download", "prestart", "go". If the run did not end correctly or if any ROCs had to be rebooted, "configure", "download", "prestart", "go".

Weekly plan for remainder of the run:

  • Moller runs after coming back a long down due to beam studies of RF recovery (Mondays or Tuesdays)
  • empty target run at 150 nA, one 4 hour run with production DAQ configuration
  • low luminosity runs for 8 hours, two 4-hour long runs with full target at 5 nA
  • rest of the time production running at 50 nA on full target

References and Standards:

(last update 2/10/2019- 12:00 PM)

Restoration of Beam to Hall B

Nominal Beam Positions

  • 2H01, X: +3.0 mm, Y: -1.0 mm
  • 2C24, X: +0.16 mm, Y: 0.26 mm

FSD Thresholds

  • Upstream: 2000 Hz
  • Midstream: 2000 Hz
  • Downstream: 500000 Hz
  • BOM: 35000

Reference Harp Scans for Beam on Tagger Dump: 2C21 [1], 2C24 [2]

Reference Harp Scans for Beam on Faraday Cup: 2C21 [3], 2C24 [4], 2H01 [5]

Reference Monitoring Histograms (20 nA, production trigger) [6]

Reference Monitoring Histograms (35 nA, production trigger) [7]

Reference Scalers and Halo-Counter Rates:

  • Well-tuned CW beam on FC, Full LD2 target, CLAS12 ON: 5 nA [8], 10 nA [9], 20 nA [10], 30 nA [11], 40 nA [12], 50 nA [13], 60 nA [14], 75 nA [15]
  • Well-tuned CW beam on FC, Empty Target, CLAS12 OFF: 5 nA [16]
  • Well-tuned beam during Moller run [17]
  • Well-tuned beam on Tagger Dump at 5 nA during harp scans: [18]
  • Reference FTC histogram for 5 nA running: [19]

SVT acceptable currents: <10 nA (typically < 1 nA) with no beam and no HV; ~< 400 nA (HV ON, no beam); 10 nA [20], 20 nA [21], 30 nA [22], 40 nA [23], 50 nA [24], 60 nA [25], 75 nA [26]

General Instructions:

  • The main lights in the Hall (dome lights) and the Forward Carriage lights are being kept off because of light leaks affecting some of the detectors. If these lights are switched on during an access, they should be switched off when leaving the Hall. Note that the dome lights when switched off cannot be turned back on immediately because they require 10-15 min to cooldown.
  • Do not run more than 30 minutes above 30 nA with 5-pass beam without the beam blocker in front of Faraday cup. Put beam blocker in for long running at high currents for 5 pass operations.
  • Turn DC HV off only for beam tuning; if no beam is available or when beam is stable, keep them on even if you are not taking data.
  • In case of loss of communication with IOCBTARG, follow instructions at
  • With any issue contact On-Call Experts or RC - do not spend more than 15-20 min trying to fix the problem.
  • Check for and read any comments to log-book entries made during your shift.

Every Shift:

  • Follow run plan as outlined by RC
  • If any concern about beam stability, ask MCC if orbit locks are on (they should be).
  • Keep shift summary up to date in HBLOG. Record all that happens.
  • Document any beam condition change and send scaler GUIs to HBLOG
  • Fill out BTA hourly. Click "Load from EPICS" to automatically fill the left side.
  • Fill and submit the shift checklist in the logbook
  • Monitor the SVT Slow Controls status, post plot of current stability in the HBSVT elog once per shift.
  • As of March 9 we no longer have to stop and start the gas flow of the FTT (see logbook entry [27] for more details).

Every Run:

  • Log screenshots of:
    • main scaler GUI display
    • Detector occupancy plots from clas12mon
    • Trigger rate gui
    • Beam strip charts
  • Fill out the run info in run list at the beginning and at the end of each run.
  • When checking the ECAL response, make sure to look at the histograms for each sector by using the sector buttons at the bottom of the clas12mon window - if adcecal* or/and adcpcal* ROC crashes, there will be no alarm and the histograms are the way to notice this issue.

  • Note 1: Be very mindful of the background rates in the halo counters, rates in the detectors, and currents in the SVT for all settings to ensure that they are at safe levels.

The integrated rates on the upstream counters have to be in the range 0-15 Hz (rates up 100 Hz are acceptable) and the rates on the midstream counters have to be in the range 10-20 Hz (acceptable up to 50 Hz) @50 nA. Counting rates in the range of hundreds of Hz may indicate bad beam tune or bleed-through from other Halls.

  • Note 2: At the end of each run, follow the standard DAQ restart sequence

"end run", "cancel", "reset", then if the run ended correctly, "download", "prestart", "go". If the run did not end correctly or if any ROCs had to be rebooted, "configure", "download", "prestart", "go".

After each step, make sure it is complete in the Run Control message window. If a ROC has crashed, find which one it is and issue a roc_reboot command and try again. Contact the DAQ expert if there are any questions.

  • Note 3: FTOF HVs: The goal is to minimize the number of power cycles of the dividers.
    • should be turned off during the initial beam tuning down to the Faraday Cup after CLAS12 has been off for a long shutdown, when doing a Moller run, when doing harp scans, or if there is tuned/pulsed beam in the upstream beamline.
    • should be left on after an initial beam tune has been established and if there are only minor steering adjustments and “tweaks” being made.
    • if shift workers have doubts what to do with the HVs, they can always contact the TOF on-call expert for advice.
  • Note 4: In case of a Torus and/or Solenoid Fast Dump do the following:
    1. Notify MCC to request beam OFF and to drop Hall B status to Power Permit
    2. Call Engineering on-call
    3. Make separate log entry with copies to HBTORUS and HBSOLENOID logbooks. In the "Notify" field add Ruben Fair, Probir Goshal, Dave Kashy and
    4. Notify Run Coordinator
    5. Turn off all detectors
  • Note 5: When beam is being delivered to the Faraday Cup:
    1. the Fast Shut Down elements: Upstream, Midstream, Downstream, BOM, and Solenoid should always be in the state UNMASKED
    2. No changes to the FSD threshold should be made without RC or beamline expert approval
  • Note 6: Any request for a special run or change of configuration has to be approved by the RC & documented
  • Note 7: Carefully check the BTA every hour and run the script to print for you what HAS TO BE in BTA for this hour. Edit BTA if it is incorrect.
  • Note 8: Reset CLAS12MON frequently to avoid histogram saturation.
  • Note 9: Shift workers must check the occupancies! Use this tool to compare to previous runs: [28]
  • Note 10 Do not Turn OFF MVT HV: Instead go to 'Restore settings' from the MVT overview screen:
    1. SafeMode.snp for beam tuning and Moeller runs
    2. MV_HV_FullField.snp for full solenoid field
    3. MV_HV_MidField.snp wgeb solenoid < 4T

  • NOTE 11 Check the vacuum periodically, make sure vacuum id not higher than 5e-5
  • NOTE 12 Always reset the CFD threshold after all power off/on on the CND CAMAC crate

After the CAMAC crate (camac1) holding the CND CFD boards is switched off for any reason, it is mandatory to reset the associated thresholds typing the following command from any clon machine terminal: $CODA/src/rol/Linux_x86_64/bin/cnd_cfd_thresh -w 0

If this command is failing and the crate is not responding, reboot it as follows: roc_reboot camac1

  • NOTE 13 Shift workers should anyway check routinely scalers to verify they update correctly and make a logbook entry if anomalies are observed after starting a new run.
  • NOTE 15:

For RICH recovery procedures, please see Log entry This would apply in the cases of 1. DAQ crash: rich4 is not responding or 2. RICH alarms (LV,missing tile, temperature etc). If it does not work or you are uncertain about what to do, contact the RICH expert on call. Please, note that missing tiles typically occur due to lost communication. Keep in mind that the recovery procedure will kill DAQ. If DAQ is running for other purpose, rather than data taking (for which the RICH acceptance would be important) do not initiate the recovery procedure.

    • The most critical parameter for RICH is the temperature of the photosensors. If the temperature rises above limits, an interlock will automatically turn the RICH HV and LV. If this happens, notify the expert on call and keep taking data without RICH.
  • NOTE 16: Asymmetry on FTCal ADC Scalers: If the beam current is 5 - 10 nA, and the observed asymmetry is out of specs, i.e. > +-2.5%, check (1) that the beam position is according to specs, (2) the response of the rest of CLAS (compare the scalers of FTOF, CTOF, ECAL, etc. from the Scalers GUI to the reference for that current, as posted above). If positions and other detectors do not show any anomalies, keep running. The ADC scalers require at least ~15 nA for a reliable response.
