EJFAT EPSCI Meeting Jan. 8, 2025

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The meeting time is 2:30pm.

Connection Info:


  1. Previous meeting
  2. Announcements:
    1. ACAT2024 Paper Accepted
    2. ESnet CONFAB event, which runs from April 7 to 11. 
      1. EJFAT developer meeting all day Thursday 10th
      2. April 10th 2025 in San Francisco
    3. SkuTech Interest in EJFAT
      1. JLab supplied Letter of Support for pre-proposal for SBIR Phase II
  3. Topics
    1. Local CP testing
    2. IRI Test Development:
      1. Data Source:
        1. JLAB, CLAS12, pre-triggered events - 1 channel
      2. Data Sink:
        1. Perlmutter - 80 nodes
        2. ORNL/ESnet/JLab IRI Testbed / Defiant - 4 nodes allocated
        3. JLab - 7 nodes available
        4. FABRIC - nodes available
        5. ERSAP
      3. Test Plans - JLab, ESnet, NERSC:
      4. Sequence:
        1. Verify CP Performance with revised PID settings:
          1. JLab EJFAT Cluster
          2. JLab/ESnet IRI Environment
        2. E2SAR Integration
    3. JLab FEG/SRO
      1. will use interim UDP solution for event sync
      2. Special Events Issue - Completely Out-of-band
        1. Cloud message queue solutions include Kafka and RabbitMQ, ...
        2. LB isolation from any non-LB processing
    4. E2SAR 0.1.4
      1. segmentation/reassembly complete
      2. .deb packages for Ubuntu 20, 22 and 24 are now available (they contain E2SAR library, headers, executables as well as appropriate versions of gRPC and Boost dependencies, all installed under /usr/local), as well as the latest Docker image
    5. Installation of A100 GPU card into ejfat-2
    6. Remote CP
    7. IB
    8. Storage
      1. SSD drives on ejfat-fs - 20TB used of 28TB - mounted for EJFAT farm on /nvme
      2. Ram Disks: 1TB Total Mem on ejfat-fs, 0.5 TB others
      3. /dev/sdb mounted as /scratch (880 GB)
    9. Experiment Halls - beam returns late January/February 2025
    10. Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - support ends in 2025 - next ESnet target 22.04
    11. CP: Control Web UI
    12. EJFAT II
    13. ESnet interested in partnering for beachhead in FPGA/GPU AI space
      1. Separate Project
      2. FAST program coming up
      3. May get free help from Xilinx
      4. Might target VERSA release
  4. Resources:
    1. HPDF
    2. EJFAT API
    3. EJFAT Status
  5. U280’s are discontinued.
    1. New LB purchases U55C
    2. U55C bitfiles available 1 year out
    3. U280 Supported indefinitely
  6. ACAT 2024 Paper - In Review


  1. LLDP needs IOMMU
  2. FW containers need boot init script
  3. EJFAT nodes:
    1. 16 NUMA domains
    2. DPDK must run portmode driver on CPU in NUMA domain of FPGA for LLDP messages
    1. architecture change in control/data paths for FPGA (SRIOV)
    2. adding PCIE AES
  5. AOT
