EPSCI Group Meeting Feb. 1, 2022
The meeting time is Tuesdays at 1:30pm.
Connection Info:
You can connect using https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/j/1618740469 (Meeting ID: 161 874 0469). (Click "Expand" to the right for details -->):
One tap mobile: US: +16692545252,,1618740469# or +16468287666,,1618740469#
Meeting URL: https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/j/1618740469?pwd=cHk1NS9jUnAxSkZzcVhQOUJ2SkdQQT09&from=addon
Meeting ID: 161 874 0469
Passcode: 011730
Join by Telephone
For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location.
US: +1 669 254 5252 or +1 646 828 7666 or +1 551 285 1373 or +1 669 216 1590 or 833 568 8864 (Toll Free)
Meeting ID: 161 304 5640
International numbers
Join from an H.323/SIP room system
H.323: (US West) (US East)
Meeting ID: 161 874 0469
Passcode: 011730
SIP: 1618740469@sip.zoomgov.com
Passcode: 011730
- Previous meeting
- Announcements
- JLab Covid-19 Status (personal status memos: deadlines, 9/28/2021, 5/7/2021)
- HOWTO add ZOOM to outlook webclient : n.b. turn off the "Teams Meeting" link
- Next Fortnight Paper: Feb. 2nd
- spyder on ifarms
- module use /apps/modulefiles/
- module load anaconda3/4.10.1
- which spyder
- /apps/anaconda3/2021.05/bin/spyder
- Any Other Announcements?
- JLab Covid-19 Status (personal status memos: deadlines, 9/28/2021, 5/7/2021)
- Conferences and Workshops
- EIC Software Town Hall (Jan. 27 11am-1pm) (indico)
- KDD2022(Aug. 14-18)
- INPC2022(Sep. 11-16)
- ACAT2022(Oct. 24-28)
- Ongoing Activities
- The BIG 5
- EJFAT (ESnet/JLab + FPGA +Accelerated Transport)
- AIEC (AI for Experimental Controls)
- AI Surrogate Models LDRD
- Hydra
- ERSAP (Environment for Real-time Streaming, Acquisition and Processing)
- Service Projects
- Scientific Software support
- Hall A (?)
- Hall B (Vardan)
- Hall D (Nathan)
- EIC (David)
- JLab Common Environment (CE) + SPACK
- Charged Pion Polarizability (CPP)
- Scientific Software support
- The BIG 5
- Summary of Monthly Achievements:
- Teams -> SciComp -> EPSCI/Files -> Reports -> 2022 -> Accomplishments_2022-XX.docx