Analysis Meeting: April 26th, 2016

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2:00 pm, CC F326/327
We will be using the BlueJeans system.
To join via Phone:
1) Direct-dial 
+1.408.740.7256 (US)
+1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
+1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number)
(all numbers)
2) Enter Meeting ID: 4845151606
3) Press #


  • Work summery by Jason Bane (slides)
  • PID analysis using E080104 data by Dien Nguyen (slides)


  • Onsite: Jason, Dien, Buddhini, Doug
  • Phone: Shujie, Scott


  • Jason presented a summery of his work. He is mostly working on DIS simulation. He also started to learn how to run calibration scripts and read about BPMs and Harps.
  • Dien presented her work on the PID study. She is looking at the the E08104 data to identify the pion cuts. With Zhihongs and John's help she was able to find the small pion contamination in the run she studied. But at lower energies she is also seeing some electrons. How are these electrons generated? Doug suggested it maybe from edge scattering off of the HRS magnets (Q3 to be specific). It could also be due to ionization. Dough suggested to check the reconstructed track of theses electrons to confirm they are not coming from the target.
  • Doug suggested Scott to look at JP's single arm electron simulation rather than SIMC because SIMC is an "over kill" for the elastic analysis Scott is going to start on. Dien volunteered to help Scott get started with the SIMC installation and setup.