Analysis Meeting: July 5th, 2016

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2:00 pm, CC F326/327
We will be using the BlueJeans system.
To join via Phone:
1) Direct-dial 
+1.408.740.7256 (US)
+1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
+1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number)
(all numbers)
2) Enter Meeting ID: 4845151606
3) Press #


  • EMC simulation work update (same as last week) - Jason


On-site - Jason, Buddhini, Shujie, Jonathan, Evan, Tyler, Scott, Mike on phone - Elle Long


  • Jason talked about his EMC simulations work from the last meeting. There were new people so he volunteered to bring them up to date. Thanks Jason!
  • Jonathan is using GMP data to get familiar with the hall A analyzer and ROOT.
  • Tyler and Mike are working on structure functions calculations, learning about ROOT and the hall A anlzyer and are continuing their work on the MARATHON rate estimates.
  • Shujie is working on modifying the mc_hms_xem code which is a version of SIMC that is designed to do single arm inclusive simulations using the Hall C HMS. It is written in Fortran. She needs to figure out how to update the code to be used for HRS analysis.
  • Scott is still working on the Grinch DAQ. He got the TDC's working so hopefully he can start to work on Tritium stuff soon.