Analysis Meeting: May 31st, 2016

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2:00 pm, CC L207
We will be using the BlueJeans system.
To join via Phone:
1) Direct-dial 
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2) Enter Meeting ID: 4845151606
3) Press #


  • Work updates
    • Dien - Cerenkov SPE and E/P calibraitons (slides)


On-site - Doug, Buddhini, Dien, Jason, Jonathan and Evan
On Phone - Rey
Apologies - Scott and Shujie are attending HUGS


  • Dien presented the status of data quality checks on x>2 data.
    • Cerenkov calibration (aligning the SPE at 100 th ADC channel) - The exsisting calibration results in 4 out of the 10 PMTs showing SPE peaks off by 100 by a large amount. So she re-did the calibration using cosmics and re-aligned the SPE's of all the 10 PMTs around 100. But the results didnt effect the sum of the cerenkov which is at ~ 103 with old calibration and ~102 with new calibrations.
      • Doug - this is why we need to figure out which parts of the calibrations are important and which we should spend out time on. Fixing the 4 off PMTs didnt made much of a difference to the sum of the cerenkov signal. So spending time doing the re alignment was not necessary.
    • Buddhini It is better to do things right to begin with. But time management is important.
    • E/P peak location
      • The plots for each run shows reasonable E/P mean value. But the way Dien is plotting her results in slide 14 makes one thinks the means of last 3 runs are very different from the rest of the runs, which is not true because the means are essentially the same.
      • Doug - Figure out the correct error to use in this plot. How does your data looks like if you use the error of the bins instead of what is given by the root fit?
  • Jason gave a verbal update about his work on the nucleon momentum distributions. He have had some suggestions from Doug and has managed to get a result that shows the EMC effect. He will show this next week hopefully.
  • Rey is still learning SIMC
  • Jason is just getting started with the literature. He is brand new : )