Coda prescales

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Setting prescale factor for the HRS only (updated 11/03)

   For Left HRS:
 *   log in as adaq on adaq1 machine
 *   type "prescaleL &" to open the GUI
 *   set the desired prescale factors and click "Save" and Exit 
Definition of triggers:
       T1 = L-arm s0 && s2
       T2 = L-arm (s0 && s2) && Cherenkov
       T3 = L-arm (s0 || s2) && Cherenkov
       T4 = Empty 
       T5 = L-arm EDTM S2
       T6 = RHRS L1A Remote Signal
       T7 = 1024Hz clock signal from RHRS
       T8 = 103.7kHz clock signal from LHRS

   For Right HRS:
 *   log in as "adaq" on "adaq2" machine
 *   type "prescaleR &" to open the GUI
 *   set the desired prescale factors and click "Save" and Exit 
   Definition of triggers:
       T1 = dummy
       T2 = dummy
       T3 = dummy
       T4 = R-arm s0 && s2
       T5 = R-arm (s0 && s2) && Cherenkov
       T6 = R-arm (s0 || s2) && Cherenkov
       T7 = 1024Hz clock signal from RHRS
       T8 = 103.7kHz clock signal from LHRS