Run Meeting: March 26th, 2018

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4:00PM Run Meeting, Counting house meeting room (200C)

RC: Jason Bane



  • Over the weekend!
    • MCC was able to reach between 65 - 75 uA in the machine much of the weekend.They are still trying to push up to the 900kW goal.
    • Yesterday and owl last night - MCC was able deliver pretty stable 10uA beam to the Hall until middle of owl. We were able to finish up our main optics goal and we were able to complete a few extra optics runs. During the end of swing and the beginning of owl, we were able to complete a bullseye scan.

  • Plan for the day:
    • MCC's morning plan is to address the BLM trips
    • Make an access to address the raster and prepare the hall for positrons.

  • Issues:
    • Raster- Bill Gunning and MCC have tried to remotely solve this fault by resetting the IOC. Next step to allow Bill to access the raster power supplies to assets the the connections and the electronics involved.
    • Moving to Phase 3- The raster has to be working un-masked to move to phase three.

Here are the logbook post to show completion of the steps in the TGT-PROC-17-012.

7.1 -> Results of the Harp scan,

7.2 -> Ion chamber functionality test ->

7.4 -> Centering->.

Step 7.3 The Full steps of Raster commissioning was delayed due to the raster issue. However we were able to match the size of the raster to 2x2 using the carbon hole: (Bottom left plot, on first page shows an image using spot++ of the carbon hole.)


Wiki page for optics runs:

BlueJeans connection info:

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