Run Meeting: March 28th, 2018

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4:00PM Run Meeting, Counting house meeting room (200C)

RC: Jason Bane



The official change from restoration to physics will take place at the start of swing shift! We will need to fill in the BTA, once the physics program begins. MCC plans to take the beam away at 9:00 A.M. for RF separator work.

Hall A was able to take positron data at 17.5 degrees on all gas cells over night, then during owl shift the LHRS was moved to 20.5 degrees ( kin 3) to take a second round of positron data. We have about 3 hours of beam on target left to complete the second round of the positron study. After we complete this round, we will make an access to change the polarity of the LHRS and move the LHRS to 16.8 degrees to begin the boiling study!!

The Hall plans to begin a Boiling study after a BCM calibration once electron physics resumes.


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