Survey Info, Density and Luminosity of Target, Windows etc

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Target Tables


The table contains old (Jan 2017) estimates. Final detailed report is here: [JRA - 1/4/2018]


Updated target report: (TJH - 10/23/2024, many years after the fact)

Target/window/foil Thickness( g/cm2) Luminosity@20 uA (1037 N/cm2/s) Radiation Length comment
T2 0.081 0.61 0.044
3He 0.093 0.70 0.13
D2 0.124 0.93 0.10
H2 0.062 0.46 0.10
Upstream window (0.010”) 0.069 0.51 0.29
Downstream window (0.011”) 0.075 0.56 0.32
Dummy Foils To be added
Optic Foils To be added
Be foil isolator (0.008”) 0.038 0.28 0.058 New at beam-pine exit

Survey Report